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20" Arranbee Composition Nancy Lee Doll c. 1940s as Rosie the Riveter

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    Posted 7 years ago

    (85 items)

    March 8th - International Women's Day- is coming next week...I wanted to dedicate this post to one very special woman who, unknowingly, became an iconic symbol of women's spirit and solidarity for many generations, nations, and ages- Naomi Parker Fraley.
    In January of this year, Naomi, otherwise known as the Real Rosie the Riveter from the famous We Can Do It poster, died at the age of 96. I learned about her story from the news and was very moved by it. Beautiful, inspirational, authentic, her personality and her story have captivated and fascinated me, and became my obsession.

    I had this old composition doll laying around as a project. This is a 20" Arranbee composition Nancy Lee doll made around the same time when Naomi started working at the Alameda Naval Air Station, so that made her a perfect model in my mind. I bought her cheap on ebay to practice restoration skills. She was in a very poor shape, and Manikin guided me through the process of fixing her (i can't thank her enough!). I really liked her face and have been thinking about her outfit for some time, but nothing was coming to mind. When I read the story of the Real Rosie the Riveter, the idea was born in an instant....and several days later, here she is. Her blue work overalls are made from someone's vintage cotton pants i got at an estate sale (yes, the buttoned closure is exactly what you think it is =). When my son saw her all dressed up, he said "She looks like she's a mechanic, but girls can't be mechanics..." I said "Really? Who told you so?" The next day he said "Ok, i googled it (he didn't), and Google said that girls can be mechanics, so she can use my car lift and tools if she wants" (he's 7 =). She took him up on his offer and went straight to work...

    I hope she put a smile on your face and made you think of some things; encouraged you to be what you want to be, reminded you to celebrate who you are, and to celebrate people around you who support and accept you just the way you are!

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    1. Tlynnie1942 Tlynnie1942, 7 years ago
      Very nice!
      My paternal grandmother was a "Rosie the Riveter" also. I have a picture of her posing for a photograph as Rosie. It is a cool bit of family history that my grandmother was a model used for such a great campaign of how the United States kept on building ships, aircraft and many other things during the war. Women stood up and went to work doing the jobs that men had done before leaving to fight for us all in America.
    2. fortapache fortapache, 7 years ago
      I like her little garage.
    3. Newfld Newfld, 7 years ago
      She's terrific Anna, what a great tribute to an American icon. The clothing on the doll is perfect, and I too love the little garage set up, now how about adding a little plane for her to rivet
    4. TassieDevil TassieDevil, 7 years ago
      AnnaB. ......what a wonderful doll and story! Thank you for posting :-)
    5. Caperkid, 7 years ago
      Well Mr. Trudeau our Prime Minister finally put in women's equality for pay legislation recently in the federal budget. Was there some sort of Canadian connection to Rosie? Great job and It is so wonderful to have help from Mani she is awesome.
    6. buckethead, 7 years ago
      Nicely Done!
      I see that Rosie is working on a first generation ('64-'67 ) Pontiac GTO. :)
    7. jscott0363 jscott0363, 7 years ago
      Bravo!!!! You did a fantastic job converting Nancy into Rosie the Riveter!! Your story is phenomenal and I'm so sorry to her that the real Rosie passed away in January.
    8. Manikin Manikin, 7 years ago
      Yay Anna ! She turned out wonderful and I am in love with your photo's just precious just like you ! I so enjoyed this post my friend :-)
    9. AnnaB AnnaB, 7 years ago
      Tlynnie, thank you for your love and sharing your family's legacy. Would you consider posting here on CW the photo you mentioned with the story?

      Fortapache, thanks for sopping by and your love as always! Yes, i also like how the spontaneous set up came out =)

      Jenni, thank you kindly for the nice comment and appreciation! I didn't have a plane for her, so had to improvise =)

      Tassie, thank you for your words of appreciation, i'm glad you enjoyed it!

      Roy, if there was, then only by a happy coincidence! Thank you for stopping by and your appreciation!

      Buckethead, thank you for your compliments and stopping by. You know your cars! 1965

      Scott, yes, it's sad she passed away, but it's great that the connection between her and Rosie was discovered before her death. Thank you for your wonderful compliments and your love!

      Mani, it means a lot coming from you. I'm forever grateful for your support and encouragement. I'm glad that your enjoyed her and the post!

      Charcoal, Timetraveler, Sean, Iggy, Ken, KKK, Vetra-thank you for your apprecaiation and stopping by!
    10. Caperkid, 7 years ago
      The lady I was thinking of was named Veronica Foster. VeronicaFoster-RonnieBrenGunGirl-Smoke.jpg
    11. AnnaB AnnaB, 7 years ago
      Thank you Roy, i looked her up, learned something new today!
      Thomas, if you find it, drop a link. Thank you for stopping by!

      Brat, Karen, Thomas, thank you for your loves!
    12. betweenthelens betweenthelens, 7 years ago
    13. AnnaB AnnaB, 7 years ago
      Mike, Laura, officialfuel, Phil- thank you for stopping by with your loves! Much appreciated!
    14. AnnaB AnnaB, 7 years ago
      Sean, Kjane- thank you for stopping by with loves!

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