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SpiritBear's loves1148 of 5126Vaseline Uranium Covered Dish Hand Painted signed “A’’Pretty vase
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    Posted 7 years ago

    (1778 items)

    This is probably gonna prove to be my mostest-favoritest prize from the rummage sale today -- how on earth it was still sitting there waiting for me to snatch up in the final hour of the sale (50% off, baby!!) I will never know. (or care...? <lol>) I actually would have gladly paid the full $15 for it, but $7.50 is even better??!! <happydance>

    This is an original ca. 1955 two-speed DeLuxe Osterizer in (rare?) copper finish, model #403, made by the John Oster Mfg. Co. in Milwaukee, WI. It is complete with its marked/matching glass jar, blade/base assy., lid, and cap. I'm using the 1955 date for it, based on a photo of an Oster advertisement (credited to LIFE Magazine, Dec. 1955) which shows this identical blender, which can be seen here:

    I have not yet cleaned it or even plugged it in -- I'm still slightly just basking in the glow of having found it in the first place. <lol> As matter of accidental fact I do have a pretty good idea that it is going to ultimately still *work* just fine -- as it happened, while I was gathering my small 'pile' of things into a box, I asked one of the volunteer ladies if she'd keep an eye on it for a moment while I glanced into the 'furniture' room. [which I sorta wish I'd done earlier, I ended up missing a *totally retro-fabulous* chrome/black glass end table, but oh, well...the lucky guy that grabbed that moments ahead of me looked nice, too...? <lol>] But anyways -- the nice lady responded with "oh, are these your things -- the blender too??" When I responded yes, she went on to tell me that she herself had actually *donated* that blender and was so happy that somebody wanted it?!! When I then started to assure her how happy *I* was to have found it, she went on to tell me that she now had one or two newer blenders (neither nearly as powerful -- her words) and had donated this one because it now has a little "shortage" in its switch, such that she usually would set the switch THEN plug it in when she used it.

    NO PROBLEM that -- blender switches are easy to fix/replace if I need to. :-) :-) :-) Now, I've gotta remember where the heck my *chrome* 'beehive' Osterizer is stashed...I've had that one (well, two...) for many years already now, and can't wait to see how fun a copper one and a chrome one are gonna look, sitting side by side on my ca.1954 pastel yellow tile kitchen countertop??!!
    <happydance, again><lol>

    EDIT: two things. First, it turned out the "shortage" in the switch on this machine seems to have consisted entirely of a loose screw holding its knob on -- the switch/motor/etc works absolutely perfectly. :-) :-) :-) Second, I did indeed dig out my chrome Osterizers, and after cleaning all of 'em up, I've added posts for both of them as well as all 3 together.

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    1. PhilDMorris PhilDMorris, 7 years ago
      I bought a 10 dollar one last year and very happy as I needed one, but who knew except me, great find !
    2. AnythingObscure AnythingObscure, 7 years ago
      My most gracious thank-yous to: Ms.CrystalShip / fortapache / PhilDMorris / TassieDevil / jscott0363 / buckethead / Caperkid / Brunswick / elanski (and) SpiritBear for stopping by and tapping that <love it> button -- even moreso to Ms.CrystalShip / PhilDMorris / and Brunswick for leaving your very kind comments!! <applause>
      I've gotta admit I don't think I knew these wonderful blenders came in the copper finish either -- that's exactly why, upon spotting it sitting there on my own first quick pass around that room, I immediately (and nonchalantly) just picked it up then carried it around while continuing to look at other stuff a bit, before stopping and examining it closer, a few minutes later on the other side of the room... <giggle>

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