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Spill Plane

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    Posted 7 years ago

    (389 items)

    Most planes are used to remove material from a piece of wood that make the planed piece better in fit and function.
    Not so with a spill plane. The purpose of a spill plane is to make a spill. The chips, or spills that are planed off are the end product.
    A piece of wood strip is run across the top surface of the plane and spiral strips of wood are slivered off.
    These spills were placed on Victorian dinner tables in "spill vases" and after dinner, when the ladies moved to the parlor to have tea and cake, the men would use these spills and the table candles, to light their cigars and they then could have their business discussions while smoking a cigar and not disturbing the ladies,
    Spill planes were made in many different styles(some even out of metal), This plane is one that I made and is designed after a Bethlehem, PA style. Most were made from maple or walnut, but I didn't want anybody thinking that this was on original plane, so, when my good friend Bill Philips lent me his original Bethlehem plane so that I could copy it, I signed it with my name and constructed it out of oak. The last photo shows some spill that I made with my plane

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    1. TassieDevil TassieDevil, 7 years ago
      A terrific post hotairfan, thank you! My husband & I both have learnt something new here:-) )
    2. rockbat, 7 years ago
      This is really very nice, and very interesting. What a pleasant way to get some "cheap spills", Ha, ha, ha.
    3. hotairfan hotairfan, 7 years ago
      OOPS, Sorry, I didn't see that my fury little buddy snuck into the Photo.
    4. AnythingObscure AnythingObscure, 7 years ago
      Agree w/TassieDevil and rockbat -- what an interesting "thing that I woulda never known about otherwise" -- not to mention being beautifully crafted?!! (and I like your furry friend too...he gives good scale for the size of the plane)

      THANKS for an awesome and informative post! <applause>
    5. billretirecoll billretirecoll, 7 years ago
      Thanks hotairfan, not a plane that I would ever have used as a Carpenter, but new, and interesting information, for me as well! :^D Very nice job in making this Spill Plane, a piece of art, and a start of conversation too! :^)

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