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Gruen Pocket Watch

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Clocks and Watches2 of 3E. Howard Watch Co. Old pocket watch.
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    Posted 7 years ago

    (708 items)

    My first pocket watch....only because I had to save it from the "Scrap Gold" pile. Couldn't bare to see it be scrapped when she still works so I purchased her for $20.00. My friend didn't want to take the money... she wanted to give it to me but I said nope take the 20. The vest fob wasn't attached to it....she had that in another pile of items and said here use this on it. Fob marked S.O.B. & Co.

    On inside of watch;
    806 1/2

    Watch Specialties Co
    15 Jewels

    DG&S- see arrow

    I assume the watch has been worked on by someone with the initials TL on 11/17/39 because that is etched on the inside of the watch. Also there's some other etched numbers which I don't know what they mean 7397 and K inside a circle followed by 3/3. Can be seen in pic#3.

    Needs to be cleaned and She will be beautiful. Not a job I would attempt so I will have to find someone local or just clean outside and leave as is.

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    1. pw-collector pw-collector, 7 years ago
      melaniej, I don't know much about Gruen watches, I only have one, but I found this about a movement marked like yours:
      The 15-jewel movement is signed both "DG&S" and "Watch Specialties Company." Watch Specialties was a Gruen subsidiary that imported non-Gruen movements during the 1910s.

    2. melaniej melaniej, 7 years ago
      Thank you for info.

      I don't know anything about pocket watches at all...had this not worked I wouldn't have given it a second thought. The fact that it works, is very small 1"and kind of feminine I couldn't let it go...
      I was thinking of having it put on a gold chain and wear as a necklace.
      Thank you again for info.
    3. pw-collector pw-collector, 7 years ago
      Also found this:
      DG&S stands for: Dietrich Gruen and Sons
    4. SpiritBear, 7 years ago
      I've never seen a non-wrist-watch from the company. Neat.
    5. SEAN68 SEAN68, 7 years ago
      very beautiful!!!
    6. melaniej melaniej, 7 years ago
      Thank you
      I actually wore this the other day and used it to tell the time....didn't wear a wrist watch but kept looking at my wrist for the
      attached it to the "small pocket" in my jeans.

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