Posted 7 years ago
(5053 items)
the original of this statue was found in the Mediterranean off a Greek Isle in 1820. It was given to King Louie, who then donated it to the Louvre. It was a big hit then and has never ceased to be a big hit w/ people around the world. But there were certain key points when it was de rigeur to own a copy of it and put it in your beautiful garden: in the 1820s/1830s, again in the 1870s, 1920s and 1970s. By the patina and large lichens, i would guess this was from the 1920s or maybe earlier. what do you think?
i don't understand why the glitch in CW that does not make it possible to post photos upright has not been fixed yet. it makes it pointless to post here imho.
Very cool ho2cultcha!!
In my garden she would go and I would put a couple of spotlights on her. She would really come to life at night.
Great piece....
As regards to photos being sideways, I have found if I edit them a bit (crop maybe) they usually come up the right way round! Don't ask me why though!
thank you jscotto, melanie, Adele and betweenthelens!
the statue is 4 ft tall and extremely heavy.
Very nice. I never have a photo that turns sideways and I don't really think its with CW. I post all on a computer so there are no problems there.
lovely piece good size very fetching indeed
well done pete !!!!!!!!
thanks MALKEY! Phil - narrow photos tend to end up sideways and there's no way to adjust them in CW. most sites offer a way to adjust them, but CW does not. i've seen a lot more sideways pics here in the past year or so.