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Ted_Straub's loves431 of 2896MALKEYS NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE  NORTH EAST HEAT WAVE TODAY SPRING IS SPRUNGOne Hundred Twenty Four years old. F. R. Rice Cigar Amber Jar...1894-1895
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    Posted 7 years ago

    (429 items)

    piccy one me friend called tinker bell i say tinkie winkie
    piccy 2 night piccy out of one of me windows
    piccy 3 early morn sunrise on tyne
    4 piccy selfie of me sitting on pawn brokers golden ball which hung below flat i use to live on very short timer on camera so had to hop skip & jump and wish for the best
    piccys are not altered except piccy 1 with tinker bell not that big l.o.l
    lots of love cw gang
    god speed
    jesus will be there for all saints & sinners i,m the latter xxxxxxxx

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    1. antiquerose antiquerose, 7 years ago
      Great pics, lovely views and GREEN Plants. Snow still here, but just about gone ... lol
    2. Newfld Newfld, 7 years ago
      Tinkerbell and your sunset pix just beautiful Malkey!
    3. MALKEY MALKEY, 7 years ago
      your so pleasant & thoughtful thomas god bless
      hi rose thank you the piccys couple years old some buds just bursting right now ready to unfurl though xxxx
      thankin you kindly for the love thomas craig rose
      content is nirvana it does not trouble my faith
      time to go to me bed in the sky
      2.12 am
      lots of love cw gang feel like jim kirk always logged in the manner strange but true whether ill or well
    4. MALKEY MALKEY, 7 years ago
      oops just missed you jenni good night and lots of love & over the moon you like piccys & tinker bell xxxx
      and tar for the love jenni
      2.16 am
    5. IronLace IronLace, 7 years ago
      Lovely photos MALKEY, & love your Tyne Bridge...built by the same firm as our Sydney Harbour bridge...Dorman Long & Co Ltd of Middlesborough...
    6. MALKEY MALKEY, 7 years ago
      oh my ironlace you make me smile in the morn & the night before i aint sad no more & middlesborough i have one bottle
      the rarest an amber torpedo bottle from walton & elliot middlesbro blob top 2 examples known 1880s
      and for the love so kind valentino ironlace karen
    7. Justanovice Justanovice, 7 years ago
      Lovely piccies Malkey! Love the sunrise in particular! :)
    8. jscott0363 jscott0363, 7 years ago
      Wonderful pics MALKEY!!!
    9. billretirecoll billretirecoll, 7 years ago
      Thanks for the show MALKEY, you always do it up right! :^)
    10. MALKEY MALKEY, 7 years ago
      thankin you for the love kevin roy lesley tassie devil judy scott ken laura bill bb2 was here fortapache
      oh lesley the sunrises give me inner strength of life even though i dont have that band of gold anymore for a long time,,, but thats life its funny ,,, tears of a clown ,,,
      thank you lesley xxxx
      hi scott me jolly good friend your such a fine fellow thanks
      hi bill thank you friend as i fall i know the show must go on
      it could be to late but my tears wont blind me now know more xxxx
      lots of love cw gang xxxx
      special art glass to come me darlings xxxxxxxx
      8.28 am friday 20th april 2018 bbr british national bottle show this weekend
      to ill to go but my spirit will be there &
    11. purvis purvis, 7 years ago
      Great picture . Had to come back to check it out again . My favorite picture on CW.
    12. MALKEY MALKEY, 7 years ago
      oh much tanks for the louve michelle pete violetorange purvis
      hi purvis the piccys always have a deep but obvious kind connection even though i i am poor and uneducated mouse i was a member of the hilton hotel gym very romantic but i would find mesell in the gym doing a stand up pectoral press but watching ladys bums on the tred mills i felt very naughty but the only way i could amuse mesell in the gym
      such as life i was always treat as a sexual object by girls & boyes so now after half century well so what at least they love you for somethang l.o.l
      the mechanic i am omega man the illustrated man dorothy frankfurter and whistle down the wind hellride titanium stranger things 11 1412 k-pax midnight cowboy
      love your piccys purvis have a 1930s guess coca cola advert very sexy sophisticated
      as i would say to a dear friend on a Saturday i have had a life she says i know you have blue
      madness i see the sunrise as pull back the tartan curtains a friend who has passed away made them for the drapes for the rich and famous and she made them for a strange child like creature who was me as cry much
      i,m wearing tartan short choullettes highlander as me bessy mate would cry punch each other out and say who wants live forever he was my best friend he was called blimp a mountain of man
      please allow to be a naughty boye or girle i was painted mesell in car gold metallic paint then went out in a Thai short skirt and a vest and all i could tink was gold member which it was
      lots of love cw gang 5.41 am
      may your god be with you they will take us all to heaven just hope heaven is full of naughty pleasures well xxxxxxxx
      i,ve been abused but it dont make me bitter i look for the kindness in people
      i love candy pop songs and the deep oceans
    13. MALKEY MALKEY, 7 years ago
      oh freebird someone advised me to watch the film the devil rejects they said i was so reminded them of me a piccy i had done of me
      then when i had a mri scan i had the song l scenard playin on the finale record i felt free but cried so much i was scared of dying in outer space capsule
      but if lasted as long as the record that was darn lucky or to painful l.o.l
      i reall i think the wrestler with mickey Rourke he pass by making the show well i,ll be happy with that
      mid night cowboy me life spread out to a small degree
      lots of love cw gang i love you all
      the 10 comenments charlton heston change me life as did planet of the apes
      i am a product of the 60ties and there every year after words brought up the 70ties as call the period the history of violence
      use to be ring fighting for older girles and boyes amusement
      i,m going home as i watched in the 70ties the rocky horror picture show i came out in tears and was known as the wild mad strange one i guess i never disappointed them on the game
      but my slight hands told a different story but then again i never had a hair cut like flock of seagulls i would chop hair like the person that i was reincarnated joan of arc 1412
      army of lovers crucified
      7.41 am you are my savour probably spelt that wong
      berlovely glass to come girles & boyes
      may your god be with you wonder if i can be naughty today well i can arlways dream
      hope you can see into my eyes
      i am lonely but i have my music to be a comfort southern comfort by my side
      glass to come !!!!!!!!!!!!
    14. kyratango kyratango, 7 years ago
      Malkey! All your pics are works of art, as is your personality and kind naughty soul...
      These skies are like the most precious opals Ô..Ô
      Hugs from France.
    15. MALKEY MALKEY, 7 years ago
      rrr kyratango pascale i,m over come with emotion
      l.o.l !!!!!!!! naughty wee thang i am !!!!!!!!l.o.l
      as long as i am making doctors & nurses and patients laugh thats job done hugs to you in france love opals have some black opal marcasite tear drop earings
      thankin you kindly for the love manikin pascale fran
      flashing post lots of love cw gang
      17.45 pm

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