Posted 14 years ago
(132 items)
Just some better pcitures of my 1922 coca cola sign, that's smaller then the original size. I thought maybe with some better pictures, people could give a better guess. Ray says he thinks its real becasue of the rust marks, and I believe him, those rust marks take years of weathering to make it like that. If it was intentional rust, it would be more orange and not black. Plus, it's made out of tin and steel, not alumininum like cheap, fake signs today. It's heavily layred silkscreened enamel paint, you cal tell from some of the chips on it. The if factors are, Why is it smaller then an original, why is the back green and not a black or gray color, is the "in bottles" and "5 cents" suppossed to be embossed, and why does it not have a manufactor mark. Just, I've had lots of people in my local area think its real, Ray thinks its real, but I just want to know, are there other genuine versions like this out there?
I have the same sign, same size 18x4 1/2 in almost new condition. One was just one ebay for $5 and I've seen 2 others go for $15-$20. I don't think there 1922. But I not sure of the year they were produce because I don't see them anywhere on any of the repo sign sites.
Here is a 1922 that in rough shape for $61. They do look the same but different dimensions.
Except the one on ebay does not have the holes in the corners.
Check out the one that I posted several months ago.