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Harrach Iris Glatt Crystal Vases

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Bohemian Art Glass1972 of 6907Kralik Knuckle Bowl in Purple and GreenAn early Harrach Chinese influenced Vase
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    Posted 7 years ago

    (210 items)

    This is my first post in quite a while and there will be plenty more to follow....
    Just couldn't resist listing this pair as they were bought for just £4 - I love bargains!
    The iridescence on these is subtle yet beautiful - like the colourful reflectiveness of bubbles.
    One is slightly damaged on the rim, but they make a very pretty pair all the same.

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    1. Justanovice Justanovice, 7 years ago
      Love these too but I only have the little inkwell! Great bargain! :). Can’t wait to see what else you have acquired whilst away!
    2. philmac51 philmac51, 7 years ago
      oh, there's more Lesley.....
    3. jericho jericho, 7 years ago
      these were one of the very first pieces I ever bought... they claimed bohemian- it had a solid black with iridescence.... I returned it to the antique store for credit because I didn't have faith in it: (

      I have the inkwell, the short vase and the tall bud vase
    4. philmac51 philmac51, 7 years ago
      Oh those early pieces that slip through our inexperienced hands - actually still happens on occasions.
    5. kivatinitz kivatinitz, 7 years ago
      what a bargain indeed
    6. Michelleb007 Michelleb007, 7 years ago
      Phil, these can be hard to photograph and you capture them so well. I have a similar one in our bedroom on a shelf - it is like a little jewel, but hard for me to capture in pictures. I love your pair!

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