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Matte Green Pottery Bowl - Arts and Crafts? Maker?

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    Posted 7 years ago

    (59 items)

    One of my favorite things is vintage/antique pottery. And, of my favorite colors is the mixed green glaze of this pottery bowl/planter. It feels so alive to me. I recently found this planter at an estate sale, and the price was pretty low, I think, because, there was a splash of white paint on the side. There are also spots of the paint here and there. I have been able to remove a lot of the paint and I'm sure I will be able to remove it all.

    The clay used appears to be white.

    This bowl is about 8-9 inches at its widest and about 2 -3 inches deep. It is somewhat heavy.

    I have been trying to identify who made this piece, but, as of yet, have been unable to do so.

    Do you have any ideas about this piece? Can you help me identify it? I would appreciate any leads.

    Thank you so much! - Mary

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    1. billretirecoll billretirecoll, 7 years ago
      Thanks for posting Mary, I'm sure that I've seen this, and probably have it. The glaze, and the bottom should be easy to identify. It looks like there's a 10 on the right side in the 4th photo, and maybe some words on a curve, on the opposite side. See if you can look at it close in sunlight, sun behind you, and look up at the bottom. Sometimes that works for me, you don't get the glare, and you can move it to try and pick-up shadow lines of the letters, if there are any.
      Someone will know, and be able to tell you for sure though! Good luck! :^)
    2. Poire Poire, 7 years ago
      Thank you billretirecoll!
    3. betweenthelens betweenthelens, 7 years ago
      Mary, this is lovely!
    4. Poire Poire, 7 years ago
      Thank you for the loves
      Laura (plus the added appreciation!)
      & truthordare!!
    5. art.pottery, 7 years ago
      It’s Zanesville Stoneware Co.
    6. art.pottery, 7 years ago
      The linear/rectangular stilt pulls are a dead giveaway when paired with the glaze and form. Most likely only the “10” shape designation on the base. ZSC rarely marked their wares.
    7. esteban esteban, 7 years ago
      a nice piece. I suspected that my great-grandfather did it. It could be a company from Germany that has made many US exports. I have some pieces of the same glaze. the ground looks very similar too. this may be the company c.a.schack aus bürgel (near jena). but I have not been able to find a pattern in my documents.
    8. billretirecoll billretirecoll, 7 years ago
      Yeah art.pottery, that was my first thought, but I looked and looked on line, and couldn't find a Zanesville pot, bowl, or vase with the same base foot, or bottom glaze, so started looking elsewhere, I guess I'll have to check some books! :^)
    9. art.pottery, 7 years ago
      I believe I found the form on page 165, a catalog reprint, of the Rans, Ralston & Russell ZSC text. Identified only as a “flower bowl” with no shape number given. Available in four sizes: 5”, 6”, 8” & 10”.
    10. truthordare truthordare, 7 years ago
      These were sometimes called rose bowls too, as you cut the bloomed flower's head and let them float on an inch of water. Popular during 1920s and 30s. I have a black pottery one with 3 little feet, marked Made In Japan.
    11. billretirecoll billretirecoll, 7 years ago

      I don't know why this is so difficult, because it has a distinctive 3 section base ring, that someone should know. It seems that almost every pottery, made these low bowls, and I know that I have seen this base before, and probably on one of my own pieces, but I guess I never found out who made it either. Here's a link to a picclick search that has several very close, including a Zanesville one, but doesn't have the same base:

      Good luck with this one Mary, I haven't given up just taking a break! :^)
    12. Poire Poire, 7 years ago
      Thank you for the loves vetraio50, valentino97, esteban, and TassieDevil!!
    13. Poire Poire, 7 years ago
      And, thank you so much for your knowledge art.pottery, esteban, truthordare, and billretirecoll!! I had actually thought it might be Zanesville, but glaze that covers the bottom, and, the minor feet have thrown me off too. Plus, the glaze, itself, is not a definite green. There are other colors, mainly browns, but, some very minor dark blue close to black, in the glaze. Plus, the minor dripping/draping of the glaze. But, I don't know enough to say that Zanesville pottery never had these characteristics.

      Thank you so much for helping me with this!! I would love to know the answer. I think the answer is an American pottery, very likely Zanesville. I hope you don't stop the search!

      Thank you!!!
    14. Poire Poire, 7 years ago
      And, billretirecoll, that Zanesville low bowl on the picclick site, is so very much like mine, including the size, the glaze, the bottom glazing, and having 3 feet! The feet are just a little different!

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