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Go in Peace.........................................

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    Posted 7 years ago

    (1 item)

    There is a day we stop and remember,
    The men who fought with bravery.
    Those who shed their blood and lost their lives,
    So our country could live in liberty.

    There is a day we stop and remember
    The colors that we love.
    The red, white and blue of freedom,
    That fit our country like a glove.

    White for purity of purpose,
    Red for valor during battle,
    Blue for justice paid to those who threaten us,
    Are the gifts our Lord blessed upon our men.

    There is a day we stop and remember,
    That our men have not died in vain.
    For after every battle is won,
    Our country’s standards reign.

    Wave a flag,
    Place a flower upon a grave,
    Say a prayer of thanks on Memorial Day.
    For the price of freedom was freely paid.”

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    1. MALKEY MALKEY, 7 years ago
      so poignant !!!!!!!!
    2. Windwalker, 7 years ago
    3. antiquerose antiquerose, 7 years ago
      Lest we ever forget in North America

      My father served with RCAF ground crew for WWII. Our Rembrance Day is November, but I hold my hand over my heart for all of USA comrades too !!
    4. GIJoeguy GIJoeguy, 6 years ago
    5. GIJoeguy GIJoeguy, 6 years ago
    6. GIJoeguy GIJoeguy, 6 years ago

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