Posted 7 years ago
(3471 items)
Looks like an M26/M46 I ca never tell those two apart and this is a rather stylized version. Auburn made cheap dime store toys but they age very well. Even the dirt looks good on this.
This tank has a moving turret and a set of wheels underneath so it can roll across the floor. This tank is 5" long, close enough to add to the Marx Battle Ground playsets.
I have a model of this tank. I think I will weather it to look like this toy version. Seems to bring out the details.
Great tank, you're right about the dirt, you can imagine it as the sands of North Africa
Really like Auburn toys, have a couple of their trains.
Thank you very much Newfld. Right now it looks like my car which needs a wash.
Thank you very much dlpetersen. I would be happy to see your trains.
Thank you very much Thomas. I may actually have a weekend this week.
Thank you
Tanks for sharing this awesome piece!
And thank you very much roddyq.
Thank you PhilDMorris.
I think it's closer to a M-26 than anything else. Toy companies took some liberties and it's hard to tell. I also supplemented my Marx Battleground set with Auburn vehicles. I remember they made a halftrack and a jeep towing a cannon. Didn't they have a truck with a covered top also? Were there other vehicles in this military series? I loved the 5 and 10 store I used to go to as a kid in the 50's. All those bins filled inexpensive playthings.
Thank you very much Toyrebel.. Looks like an M26 to me too. I have the Auburn covered truck. Looks like they made a halftrack and jeep with an AT gun too.
Thank you nutsabotas6.
Thank you clockerman.
Thank you
Thank you
Thank you betweenthelens.
Thank you SEAN68.