Posted 7 years ago
(593 items)
Just some of the Smoking related things that I've got! I don't smoke, and don't like others to smoke around me, but have always been interested in Tobacco related items, and advertising. Maybe because my early Ancestors owned Tobacco Plantations in Virginia from the late 1600's, and are even still there today, or because I grew up in a home that both my parents smoked, and in a time, that Grade School children made Ashtrays as art projects, in pottery class. What ever the reason, when I see an interesting Ashtray, Lighter, Humidor, Match-Books, Boxes, Cigarette Cases, or Pipes, Pipe holders, and Tobacco Tins, if the look is cool, and the price is right, I'll check it out, and probably buy it! Just one of those things! :^D The Cork Screws, and Bottle Openers, just seemed to fit! The Barber Pole Company Ash Tray, I gave to my Barber, that gives me my yearly Haircut, whether I need it or not. He was one of first Barbers in the area to ban Smoking, in his Shop! :^D
Thank you for looking! All comments, and questions are welcome! :^)
A fine collection of collectibles of the smoking sort.
Well! It was just one of those things that had to happen, Brian! Thanks! :^D
Thank you both for lookin, and lovin, AO and Brian! :^)
The jar with horses is great looking. Does it have a brand of tobacco attached or is it generic? Great score!
More then Steve Miller, Thomas! LOL Thanks for the words for my eyes! :^D
Thank you #1 Mary! It's an early part of my family's Euro-American ancestry, and far from my attitude about people. Sometimes taking a trip back in time, you find out things that you wish, weren't part of your history, but I guess it's all part of what we are today, and hopefully a better person! :^D
You know Roy, that's a Milk Glass Tobacco Jar, with no makers mark, and I'm not even sure if the lid was born with it, or just added at some time. It looks to be English, because the decal of the Horse Riders, are playing Polo, but I've searched, and found nothing like it! Thanks so much for your comment! :^D
Thank you all for the time you took, and the love you gave,
my #1 Mary
bb2 was here
Brain, again,
and Roy, it's so nice to see you all, and always appreciated! :^)
It's always nice to have you stop by for a look,
and to make it "Official"! :^D
Thank you all for the love! :^)
Thank you much for the love EJW-54, and mikelv85, always nice to get! :^)