Posted 7 years ago
(1017 items)
I bought this yesterday from a local shop for 2,50 Euro. It was mixed in with the plated stuff. Lucky for me the shop staff don't know where to look for silver marks on these things. The words say, "Back to the stall". The word "DER" is an old Dutch word not used anymore. I've been staring at the mark and am not sure if it is 1814-1905 or 1905-1953. It is very hard to photograph, and I cleaned all the tarnish I could out of the punch mark. Anyone want to take a stab at dating this spoon?
Thanks for stopping!
From your pics, it looks like D&E choice to me...
Tigra - I know it's the D & E choice, but it can only be D or E....
If you're asking about the sword mark, I would say D Bonnie, because it has a more defined shape, like the mark on your piece, but if you're asking about the date mark, maybe if you let me know where that is, would help(rt, lt, of or directly below the sword) because there's a couple places that look like letter marks?
I'm not even sure of where I looking with the magnification, so a little help? Top of the spoon front, below the windmill front, where? Sorry just trying to help! :^)
Bonnie, you're going Dutch on us ! LOL !
Sorry, I got confused of the legend under..E