Posted 7 years ago
(1778 items)
...followed me home today, to join the other three competing for my shelf/counter space...what's the next word beyond "trilogy"...?? ;-) :-)
For another whopping $10 investment, this one came from an estate sale [once more on half-off-price day, even?!! <happydance>] and like my others, turns out to remain in perfectly operational condition despite one small spot of electrical tape on its cord. [which I have not further investigated yet, other than that it didn't spark/smoke/not work because of it when I plugged it in and tried it anyway...?] It is stamped as model #442 on its baseplate which I have to guess makes it ever-so slightly older than my other chrome SUPER DE LUXE machine (#452, both newer than my copper DE LUXE #403?) and its motor unit only seems to differ from it (them) by the exact lettering on the (same shaped anyway) nameplate around its control knob.
What *is* sorta unique about it (compared to the others anyway) is its glass jar assembly -- while the base/blade and top/cap parts are essentially the same, this one is an OSTER branded 4-cup size with a black bakelite (?) handle attached to it with a stainless steel (?) strap around its top. The (original, I think?) jars with my others are both 3-cup sized with or without the molded glass brand name or handle.
for stopping by and tapping the <love it> button!!
Thomas -- a chocolate shake does indeed sound kinda good right now (it's *hot* here, currently!) and I think I even have some ice cream in the freezer...this particular Osterizer hasn't been fully cleaned yet, but I might have to break out one of the others before the night is over...?! :-) :-) :-)
More THANKS to Twatson & aura for stopping by and leaving the <love it>s for yet one more of my Osterizers!! I just *love* appliances/machines that were actually built to high standards of quality, such that they can remain perfectly functional now probably 60+ yrs (?) after they were first manufactured...???!!! :-) :-) :-)