Posted 7 years ago
(1778 items)
OK, Y'ALL ARE GONNA HAVTA TELL ME -- is this thing maybe the singly most *bizarre* item I've ever shown here, or not...?? <LOLOL>
All I truly know about it (except the story of how it came to me) is seen in the pics -- it is a 2' x 2' x 2' cube of an old, rather heavy and well insulated (asbestos?) travel case with heavy duty handles and hardware. Its hinged lid opens to reveal a series of wire racks inside.
As very plainly labeled in bright red block letters, it was intended to contain/transport HUMAN BLOOD / HANDLE WITH CARE / PROPERTY OF U. S. GOV'T. DEP'T. OF DEFENSE. Removable printed card in the holder on its front gives IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS for its use which suggest there once was an additional metal can which fit in the middle of the racks, which would be filled (or re-filled) with chipped ice in order to maintain a properly cold temperature inside.
NOW, 'the story'. ;-) I don't really know exactly how old it is or where it might have first served its duty (for the Defense Dept, that is) but I *do* know that my Mom got it 30+yrs ago, as 'official surplus property' from our then local AMERICAN RED CROSS blood donation facility. She then (unexplainedly) gave it to my little sister (instead of to me) who has kept proud custody of it ever since. And now, (after periodic reminders every half dozen yrs or so that I *still* wanted it...) it has *finally* followed me home from her house...?! ;-) :-) :-)
Hope y'all enjoy -- comments WELCOMED -- now, I've gotta figure out somewhere/somehow to display the (big!) thing... :-)
You can soon open your own vampire service centre. LOL
I would have gotten that one too.
Thanks SO MUCH to:
iggy, &
for your likes/loves and fun comments!! <applause>
A 'vampire service center' bb2...??? <eeek> No, I'll probably just settle for getting a chunk of glass cut to cover its top, then it'll become the most macabre 'end table' in my house... ;-) :-) <lol>
<LOLOLOL> at/with keramikos -- "fairly peculiar" is indeed at least an accurate description of my own life, if not that of my family members...I wouldn't wanna otherwise accuse/indict any of them with my own weird collecting obsessions...??
;- 0 ;-) :-)