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Loetz Metallic Violet Phänomen Genre 7573/I Vase, PN I-7573, ca. 1900

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VioletOrange's loves517 of 4827Czech Tango Glass Vase On Strutted LegsDegué Cameo Glass Vase Circa 1928
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    Posted 7 years ago

    (649 items)

    This little cabinet vase has a bright gold iridescence over a metalviolett (metallic violet) glass body. This is an instance where the surface treatment of the glass obfuscates its true color. The iridescent spray (which from the inside always looks orange) gives it a reddish look, but a peek through the polished pontil shows the true color of the ground. According to the paper pattern for I-7573, this shape in metallviolett is PG 7573/I. The pulled wave decoration is reminiscent of PG 6893, but the waves on this one are much wider than the usual 6893, and the gold iridescence is quite striking. The last photo shows how the true color of the glass contrasts with the appearance of the glass that is covered by the decoration.

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    1. Windwalker, 7 years ago
    2. Sammyz Sammyz, 7 years ago
      Just beautiful! Love the delicate coloring! Great find Warren!
    3. rancherswife rancherswife, 3 years ago
      Incredible coloring-and that photo from/through the bottom almost psychedelic! Kinda feels like it’s moving for a split second. Good one!

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