Posted 7 years ago
(3679 items)
So you ran out of gas ? You passed ,A heavy enamel double sided GULF sign
Well my uncle fermentS his own fuel ,,,he’ll take his little red wagon and fill up Coke soft drink bottles with some ,Partner
Would you like a Delaware punch ,,, but remember speed kills things go better with Coke
How about a canna ,,,Pringles while you wait
don’t make me feel like manna on a hungry day ,, i’m just trying to help out
really great display!
Great Display. Love the Tokheim price sign My buddy gave me several differant ones
and Veeder Root counters
Love your idea of displaying your pull wagon. I have about a dozen wagons that take up a lot of room ....I'll buy up some of those wall brackets.....
Baby blue bottom Gulf, love the colors
Thanks to ladyPickles also