Posted 7 years ago
(3478 items)
For those who like first aid kits this is a fun one. Back in the long ago and not so long ago snake bite kits were sold should one get betten by a poisonous snake. This was before snakes became venomous and plants were poisonous. If one looks in old books there will be mention of poisonous snakes. Also snake bite kits like these were thought to work. Now these and any other snake bite remedy is thought not to work. Now the only remedy is stay calm, get to a hospital and get anti-venom. Anti-venom being $75,000 a dose can make that expensive.
This is a fun kit anyway. The best part is the glass syringe. Way cooler than those rubber 2 piece sets used later. It does also have the rubber suction cups but I think those go with the syringe. The bandage is still there so probably never used. That is a fairly small bandage for a snake bite.
Great kit, perhaps it did help folks bitten by the non-poisonous snakes
Very interesting kit.
Note: Poisonous - It kills you if you eat it. Venomous - it kills you if it bites you. I think only 2 or 3 snakes in the world are actually poisonous.
Thank you very much Newfld. I imagine it would be.
Thank you very much elanski. I have a couple books from the 40s where venomous snakes are referred to as poisonous which is now considered wrong.
This is a lot more elaborate than the Boy Scout kit. It's cool, especially the glass syringe.
I guess I'm just weird (-er than I already knew?) in that I've always *liked* snakes. Such fascinating (and in their own way beautiful) creatures, so often misunderstood -- including (as elanski nearly points out) that the majority of them are generally completely harmless/inert to humans.
Oh well, Fort -- a very cool item/set, especially since it seems so complete?!
Thank you very much Toyrebel. The syringe makes the kit.
Thank you very much Brunswick. We just have rattlesnakes although they haven't appeared on my property yet. The people at the edge of the forest seem to get them.
Thank you very much AnythingObscure. I kind of like them myself. I stopped car to watch a rattlesnake cross the road. Killed a few when I was younger but I am over that now.
Thank you
This is such a cool kit! It shows how knowledge of treatment has changed.
Here in Aus we are taught to never wash or touch the bite, compression wrap the limb all the way to the torso, and head to hospital. With antivenom there are surprisingly few deaths from snake bite in Australia (with some very venomous snakes around).
I have never thought of the cost of antivenom, it's free here with our Medicare. That's a mind blowing amount!
Thank you very much racer4four. I do know you guys do have the most venomous of snakes. Most of serious snake bites here seem to happen from handling the snakes which is to say guys getting drunk.
A big part of the price is to pay off law suits, don't think anyone actually pays for it, insurance and all.
Thank you
Thank you truthordare.
Thank you buckethead.
Thank you nutsabotas6.
Thank you RonM.
Thank you
Thank you lisa.