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Loetz PN I-7574 ca. 1898

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Bohemian Art Glass1554 of 6681Loetz Pedestal Bowl, "Candia martelé mit Silberfuss", PN II-6247/11 cm, ca. 1908A NEW Bohemia.Czech glass website with an odd Ruckl content!
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    Posted 7 years ago

    (95 items)

    Just arrived, a stunning little vase that was absolutely unexpected! I was the only bidder and won this for about 18USD. It appeared that no one wanted this orphaned vase.

    When I opened the box, I was amazed at the beautiful shimmering glass. My photos do not do it justice. It is clear with a bright green spotting, then iridised in a fantastic gold finish. This little gem is in immaculate condition and was successfully cleaned of flower bouquet residue.

    It is 4.25" tall x 2.75" dia. Ricke's refence book shows it to be a PN I-7574. The only decor listed is metallgelb PG 7574 ca 1898. The overall effect is very sparkling and bright. What a pleasant surprise!

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    1. Sammyz Sammyz, 7 years ago
      Thanks jimtim, SpiritBear, vetraio50, and bracken3!
    2. LauraH LauraH, 7 years ago
      Those surprises are the best! Congrats on this great find!
    3. Michelleb007 Michelleb007, 7 years ago
      Sammyz, what a pretty one! I have a vase in another shape that looks a lot like yours does, but I thought it was Diana Ciselé. Mine does have the really bright golden iridescence, though. Is Diana Ciselé more matte, then, and mine could be 'metallgelb'? Thanks!
    4. Sammyz Sammyz, 7 years ago
      Hi Michelleb007! I don't know if either of our vases are metallgelb or Diana Cisele.
      Maybe someone who has seen both can chime in? Great question!
    5. Michelleb007 Michelleb007, 7 years ago
      On they list Metallgelb under Yellows; it means 'metallic yellow', so I think this may refer to the glass color and not the golden finish, but I could easily be wrong. Either way, the finish on your vase is lovely; don't you love it when you open something and it surprises you? :)
    6. Sammyz Sammyz, 7 years ago
      Thanks MALKEY! Good to see you on CW! Hope you are doing well.

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