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Marble topped sideboard

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    Posted 7 years ago

    (2 items)

    Had it for maybe 40 years, bought used. No idea. No marks to be seen anywahere inside or outside. aaa

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    1. PhilDMorris PhilDMorris, 7 years ago
      Most never had marks, you were lucky to pick up this gorgeous piece !~
    2. billretirecoll billretirecoll, 7 years ago
      I've always known this as a Wash Stand, because of the backsplash, a Side Board is normally longer, with 2 draws one above the other, and no backsplash.
      Here's a link for a Wash Stand:

      Yours is in very good condition, and would make a nice Bar! :^)
    3. adamsmith1383, 6 years ago
      Very nice! It looks like it's in great condition. I agree with Bill that it's known as a wash stand. It's the predecessor of the modern vanity and would usually have a bowel and pitcher for washing, the larger ones sometimes having two of those and a small shelf for soap. I would say it's Edwardian, circa 1900 - 1920. Some people are converting them into modern vanities using a vessel sink. Of course you can use it as whatever you'd like, it would make a great bar or server/sideboard in the right dining room.

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