Posted 7 years ago
(91 items)
Came across this vulcanized covered Flat Top Trunk the other day. Not exactly sure of the time frame but maybe 1900- 1910. It has a very wide array of interesting hardware and accents. To start It has a RARE solid brass bar on the front - top and bottom & the back top-bottom which is very cool. A machined brass lock by Eagle lock Company., Nice cast iron front lid dowels plus my personal first encounter with the ball bearing / swivel casters all in working order. It also has a 1" wide, thick copper lid stay as well with original interior in very nice condition minus the top tray though. It has the nice strong looking top wrapped hinges. It also has a continuous nailed binding on the top rim of the bottom portion which I have yet to encounter until now. This trunk measures 36" long x 22 H x 22 deep which makes for the perfectly proportioned long cube, which carries a certain look unto its own. All edge binding is vulcanized as well. With all things considered I was very happy to get it.
Thanks guys for looking and the loves!!
Thanks for viewing and for the love Guys AND Gals!
Thanks Mike78 !!
Thanks! FatBoy64