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Mike78's loves116 of 127My 2nd TrunkFrom great grand ma's attic storing old magazine
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    Posted 7 years ago

    (27 items)

    HI Folks
    Here's something you don't see very often ,a matching set of
    antique trunks, made by the Haskell Brothers .
    A very solid set of luggage.
    Thanks for looking

    See all
    Antique Trunk & Chest-Restoration Hardware-Leather Handles & Fasteners--U-Kit
    Antique Trunk & Chest-Restoration H...
    Antique Hartmann Gibraltarized Steamer Trunk Wardrobe
    Antique Hartmann Gibraltarized Stea...
    Antique Trunk Hardware--2 Black Leather Handles+ 4-Metal End Caps & Nails--Kit
    Antique Trunk Hardware--2 Black Lea...
    Early 20th Century Fully Fitted Flat Top Steamer Trunk Cunard Christiania Label
    Early 20th Century Fully Fitted Fla...
    Antique Trunk & Chest-Restoration Hardware-Leather Handles & Fasteners--U-Kit
    Antique Trunk & Chest-Restoration H...
    See all


    1. Im4anythingOld, 7 years ago
      Magnificent as always..absolutely stunning!! Great Job as usual and a great find in a paired set, very, very, cool!!
    2. bjb5859 bjb5859, 7 years ago
      Thanks Im4anythingOld
      When I was purchasing ,what I had thought was the only trunk they had .I asked if they had any others,and to my surprise she said yes,we have another just like it.
      Didn't really want to sell the second,but her husband helped seal the deal for me.
      I find if you don't ask you'll never know.
    3. Im4anythingOld, 7 years ago
      I have done that many times before myself and has paid off ....not with trunks... but I collect a lot of different topics. I used to carry a printed sheet of what I look for and leave it with them simply because I found people answer NO to quickly with no real thought behind it. The sheet plus some time for them to really think and see at home produced some great finds over the years. Love the locks on these ....I never seem to come across any truly extraordinary locks ...great find and a job well done!! again!! bjb5859
    4. PhilDMorris PhilDMorris, 7 years ago
      WOW, WOW. WOW !~
    5. greendog greendog, 7 years ago
      Fantastic job Ben, every time I think I'm getting good at this, I look at your work and realize I'm not even close, greendog.
    6. bjb5859 bjb5859, 7 years ago
      Thanks Greendog
      I think your exteriors are pretty darn good has well,but sooner or later you're going to have to tackle an interior. You have such nice trunks,Just like the exteriors, all it takes is practice and creativity.
      Keep up the good work
      and Thanks again
    7. greendog greendog, 7 years ago
      Thanks Ben, appreciate it, greendog.
    8. trunkman trunkman, 7 years ago
      Stunning! Hard enough to find even one beautiful flattop let alone a pair. Inspirational posts like this keep me in the game...
    9. bjb5859 bjb5859, 7 years ago
      Thanks Trunkman
      I agree,It's getting harder to find the nicer ornate flat tops.
      Makes one wonder just how many are still out there.
    10. bjb5859 bjb5859, 7 years ago
      Thanks for the kind word :-)
    11. Drill Drill, 7 years ago
      Sweet twins!
    12. Mike78, 7 years ago
      I agree with everything thing said. Love the locks.
    13. bjb5859 bjb5859, 7 years ago
      thanks Mike78

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