Posted 7 years ago
(3675 items)
As the Potter and His Clay
A few small Nicks just in the right places
As in life itself ,how much Stone
Will reach Gold’s foundry
What’s left of imperfect stone
When Beauty is achieved
All are indeed created equal
Who will stand in the End
It won’t be The Cheese !
Because the cheese stands alone
It is falling now; it will still be falling when all these things shall have sunk down the afternoon of history, and the twilight of tradition, and been swallowed up in the thick night of oblivion. Has everything a purpose and a mission? Did this drop fall patiently during five thousand years to be ready for this flitting human insect’s need? and has it another important object to accomplish ten thousand years to come? No matter. It is many and many a year since the hapless half-breed scooped out the stone to catch the priceless drops, but to this day the tourist stares longest at that pathetic stone and that slow-dropping water when he comes to see the wonders of McDougal’s cave. Injun Joe’s cup stands first in the list of the cavern’s marvels; even “Aladdin’s Palace” cannot rival it.
Injun Joe was buried near the mouth of the cave; and people flocked there in boats and wagons from the towns and from all the farms and hamlets for seven miles around; they brought their children, and all sorts of provisions, and confessed that they had had almost as satisfactory a time at the funeral as they could have had at the hanging.
A nice little piece of crystal created in China. They make some wonderful pieces.
Huck , I wondered when your raft would reach Shore
Tom ... stop off to see the sisters ... you know fun as allways. Sally said hi and to stop by she miss you and she might be pregnant,....yours ??
That’s funny,,,, thanks for the string along ,.,
Even injun Joe would be laughing
Well like joe always said ,,,,what good is life if you cant have a little fun, then he it is a nice crystal ,..Did it come from supermans ice cave....smiling
It *is* a pretty little chunk of sparkles -- perhaps intended to be a 'ring holder', or just a knicknack...??