Posted 7 years ago
(2 items)
Found my 2nd steamer to keep some of my blankets in, just started collecting in the last 6 months. Does any one have an idea as as to basic info (i.e.. maker, time frame) on this character? Also would you consider a good find?
You have a nice 1880’s dome top trunk. Without a label hard to say who made it but that’s pretty typical. It has some condition problems ie. wood slats are in rough shape. The hardware on this one is very nice - great cast iron pieces. I like the look and feel of this. The important thing is that you like it — as tastes are a bit subjective. Over time I’ve ended up trading up my trunk collection to finer pieces along the way... you have a great start !
Ps. The designation ‘steamer’ trunk actually refers to the smaller trunks that could fit under a bed aboard a ship...
I only paid $25 for this one and I did know about the wood slats on top being in rough shape. I knew what I was in for with that but the inside is quilted/lined :-), so that's a plus! Thanks for the tid bit about "steamer", I had been told it was in reference to the time period, but now I know better! What is the best thing to wipe it down or clean it with?
Well you certainly didn’t go wrong at $25!
Since this is painted over you can use warm soapy water with a clean cloth and even a soft brush to give it a light scrub. Should clean up nicely and definite bonus to have a clean lined interior as most are usually pretty rough inside. So... are you looking for a third? HA! Welcome to collectors weekly...
I'm not looking for a third, YET. I have to get this one cleaned up and filled with blankets first!
All in good time...