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    Posted 7 years ago

    (230 items)

    I found this SCHLITZ BEER/CANOE 77 Cardboard Sign dated 1969 in a antique barn and when I saw it I thought of my brother in law who was in canoe races in 1977 and won the race in 1981 in Lockport NY on the Erie Canal. 1977 was around the time I met my Wife and her brother who was in the Canoe race, we would run from one bridge to the next one to watch him and his partner paddle past us and we'd cheer them on. After the race ended at a park next to the canal there would be a big party with Beer tent and live bands, it was a lot of fun back then, they haven't done the Canoe race in a very long time. Very Cool Sign with history that I gave to my Brother in Law. Enjoy.

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    1. MyCountry MyCountry, 7 years ago
      wow looks mint ... new old stock
    2. EJW-54 EJW-54, 7 years ago
      Thankyou MyCountry , it is in nice shape just has a slight curve in the cardboard that I think would straighten out if we wanted to frame it.
    3. buckethead, 7 years ago
      Beer couldn't possibly get better :)
      Love the sign! I Love Beer Signs....Nice Post.
    4. EJW-54 EJW-54, 7 years ago
      Thanks buckethead! I agree! Think I'll grab a beer and pick up my new elec. guitar and jam along with "Wild Feathers" Band on you tube!
    5. EJW-54 EJW-54, 7 years ago
      Glad you all love this MyCountry, bobby725, fortapache , Newfld, officialfuel, Brunswick, Vynil33rpm, iggy, Johnsmith, blunderbuss2, Caperkid , bucksthead, Daddy_Nobucks, sanhardin, Designer, gargoylecollector, burtmacklin and mikelv85
    6. EJW-54 EJW-54, 6 years ago
      Thanks crswerner !
    7. yougottahavestuff yougottahavestuff, 6 years ago
      I drank Schlitz back in the sixties!!! Gave me a bad headache the morning after!!!
      We used to say (off color) Girl who drinks Beer on Beach gets sand in her S-----z

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