Posted 7 years ago
(91 items)
First time I have seen a Sole Leather Trunk for sale, so to see this one come up for 75.00 couldn't get it fast enough. It measure 32" long x 20" x 20" approx. Both original handles with brass handle ties and other studding work.. Ornate Tooled design on top, front, ends ,strap holder. Missing front strap is inside loose. Interior is complete and original. It needs a little TLC here and there for sure, but it was the interior that really caught my eye..being complete. Castors both ends. Not sure of the time period though. I am using the ad photos as it is not in my hands yet being 4hrs away at a family friends house who actually ended up living just down the street from the seller. Plus she is going to a concert on the 15th with my daughter and will bring it down with her then. I wish all were a time and gas saver like this deal was. So in short, I guess it was just meant to be.
She's a BEAUTY!! That interior is just outstanding! Nice find!
Thanks jscott0363! It is very similar in the layout as your red interior one.
Thanks for looking and the loves! fortapache , kwqd & Vynil33rpm
A beautiful trunk and a great price.
Thanks for the love guys, Trunkman , officialfuel ,Mike78 ,Caperkid, Johnsmith
Thanks for the love guys SpiritBear & greendog!!
Funny Greendog we were just not to long ago discussing sole leather trunks ...go figure..I guess now I will have some hands on understanding regarding your input. Which is great and fine by me. It will probably be my first and last with one of these type trunks as they certainly don't seem to be common. Unless of coarse you are a "jscott0363"
I take it these were a fairly exclusive trunk for people with money? I wonder what the selling price was for such an item in the old days in comparison to a barrel top trunk in the higher end format just to see how much the difference was and if any. Thanks again!! Keep up the fine work Brian!!
Thanks for the love guys and Gals ho2cultcha , bjb5859, & AnnaB its fun and yet gratifying to share any neat or unusual acquisition for all to enjoy and learn from, Thanks again to all from the start on down!!
Exactly right Tom, in my talks with Jim Cardoza, while a top of the line leather covered round top my have cost as much as 15 dollars, give or take , which was a lot of money back then, a sole leather trunk was in the range of 40 to 60 dollars which I would say put them in the category of the well to do people, greendog.
I'm going to use your trunk interior as a guide for mine, greendog.
Very interesting, No wonder they are not as plentiful as other trunks. I thought it may go something like that! Thanks for the input. It is nice to have an example to go by for sure for the interior. Should be an easy make just two boxes basicaly. Thanks Greendog for the info!!
Thanks!! FatBoy64