Posted 7 years ago
(114 items)
Fenton has offered their 'Alley Cat' figurines in various colors from c1970s through as late as c2017; the chocolate slag was sold thru QVC in April of 2005 for $57.50 retail. Not sure how rare these might be but the Alley Cat in general is fairly easy to find. This one was gifted to me by my dear neighbor. It's a heavy chunk of glass at just over 3.5 pounds and is close to 11" tall. Fenton catalog #C5177CK; QVC #C04115. Originally designed by Reuben Haley for U.S. Glass Company and made at their Tiffin, Ohio plant.
from Fenton Art Glass website: "The whimsical Alley Cat has been one of Fenton's most popular items since we first made it in 1970. The mould originated at the U.S. Glass Co. plant in Tiffin, Ohio, during the 1920s, and we acquired the mould in the mid-1960s. Since that time, we have made the Alley Cat in many different colors and decorative treatments, and each has been greeted with much enthusiasm by Fenton collectors, who just can't get enough of the Alley Cat's characteristic grin."
What a cheerful face :-)
TallCakes, isn't this Cat designed after the Galle Cat? I like this one, it looks like candy! :^D Several with a similar look have been posted, I think that I posted one made of pottery. It's a very popular Happy design! :^)
What a cute glass cat! I love the color name chocolate slag, I'll bet that added to his popularity
thanks for the comments and love taps : )
I've edited the write-up as I've done a bit more research and learned that the original was made by U.S. Glass/Tiffin back in c1920s, and known as 'Sassy Cat'. Love the wide faced grin...
Thanks TallCakes, I believe that I remember that name Tiffin, from years ago, and the Cat was on a Collectibles, or Art Glass book, and was very high priced! :^)
I have one of these in chocolate slag, too, bought from QVC. Also have one in purple carnival, but not sure where I got that one. They are fairly heavy. I've used them to hold various things down. I've almost pulled the trigger on a couple more at various times. Nice piece of glass!
@keramikos - that is what my other one is, amethyst slag.... You can sometimes find them a bit cheaper, but seldom below $75, now for any color.... They are addictive, though.... I've never seen one in the wild. Only in stores, before Fenton stopped selling them, and on ebay and Esty afterward.
the selling prices vary wildly on eBay and often sell for less than the asking price on BIN with offers.
I feel bad for new collectors. The average price has gone up quite a bit since the last time I looked at these a few months ago.... There are a couple of nice clear amethyst cats for $80-$90 before shipping on ebay right now. A bit tempted. I always thought that I would have a litter of these... Maybe not.
I love cats. I have never seen one of these before, but I love the smile and wink of that one eye. He looks like he just got into a whole bunch of Catnip and then got into the Parakeet cage LOL!
thank you all for your comments and love taps : )
@keramikos no worries; it's all good : )
What a unique cat.My part time hobby is helping stray cats find a good home and if there feral I feed them and manage to tame most of them so they can have a good life.Thank you for identifying the bowl I just posted made by Dazel Gilmore & Leighton.I looked for hours and couldn’t find it and I really appreciate you taking the time to help me out.Take care my friend,John
Cute little guy/gal and different as well....smiling
very cute...
Hi TallCakes,
I know it is very mixed up & frustrating here right now, but it's better than the "no movement" we had for a few days. I just don't understand how they don't have a reset or restore mode, hope they have some of former mgr Ben Marks' troubleshooting files, Ben does know about this and says he is in touch with new mgmt. This is a holiday week maybe they are short staffed as well
Best, Jenni
not really sure current staff understands how the structure sorting works here. Hopefully that look at the wayback machine might help...
Hi again TC,
Saw your comment to mackee. I sent them detailed emails re the order for This Week, This Month & All Time, no answer so don't know if they'll continue changing us back. I guess we have to be happy with Latest Posts and All Activities, & still being able to post, sigh
- Jenni
Hi Jenni!
I've also used the contact option to 'inform' concerns. It does appear that the site has arrived at a new much reduced normal. Unfortunately, seems CW is trending towards a social media site rather than the sharing of antiques and collectibles...
---shared sigh---TC...
FYI for those interested in IDs there's also