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longhorn furniture

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Sofas267 of 303Couch From the 1800'sBernhardt sectional sofa and armless chair
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    Posted 14 years ago

    (3 items)

    longhorn couch and two chairs, beautiful pieces. wondering dates, maker any info you can give. story goes they came out of a bike shop in arizona and were once used on a john wayne movie set. cant confirm this tho. people I got them from have a movie poster of john wayne with the signature of the guy that owns the movie prop house. any info would be great

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    1. Grendelking Grendelking, 14 years ago
      Holy cow !!! Those are so cool.
    2. Shawnl86 Shawnl86, 14 years ago
      Really awesome looking, but not very comfortable!
    3. liquidvisiongary liquidvisiongary, 14 years ago
    4. vetraio50 vetraio50, 14 years ago
      Why not have a look at The Horn Furniture of Herman Metz? : that's @
      Another name is Friedrich Wenzel (1827-1902) and William Mittman too!
      I am amazed to see a whole suite of it. Thanks for sharing.
    5. Jenny2669 Jenny2669, 14 years ago
      Some furniture just like this was featured on an episode of "American Pickers" , not long ago.
    6. vetraio50 vetraio50, 14 years ago
      I'm looking forward to seeing it in Australia! Today I saw the California surfing episode. American Antiques Roadshow also had an article on it some years back.
    7. Deanteaks Deanteaks, 14 years ago
      check out antique roadshow archives, I believe they are worth alot of money

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