Jenny2669 » collections




I am a retired soldier. I paint bird house gourds. I have three dogs I call the Beastie Boys. I used to collect Hot Wheels cars and G.I. Joes. I like to garden and bI am a retired soldier. I paint bird house gourds. I have three dogs I call the Beastie Boys. I used to collect Hot Wheels cars and G.I. Joes. I like to garden and bird watch. I like to read any thing concerning natural science. (Read more)


  1. I think this is lovely. I would love to have one.
  2. They are still lovely decorations. I thought they were souvenirs all along.
  3. You always have such interesting things.
  4. Rub one against something until it is warm. If it smells bad it is probably bakelite.
  5. My mom had the white hen also. She put candy in it. I have the Blue with the beading. Lovely things should be used and appreciated. I am going to put ,ind two to good use.
  6. Thank you
  7. I have not wore it for awhile but it is fun. I didn't know it was for hanging my glasses on .
  8. Maybe.
  9. Thank for the kind comments. I wore that style also as a teenager. I disliked wearing glasses then. I didn't know they were for hanging my glasses. I'll wear them more often now. Thanks Isjewels
  10. That is lovely. You are so lucky to own this work of glass art.
  11. I would like to think it's authentic. I also worry that it could be something I should have left buried in the yard where I found.
  12. These are nice. Is there any gold in these?
  13. I would love to see these against a silver evening gown. Is it enamel or mother of pearl and onyx?
  14. Thank you for your comments. I think I will take it to someone. it would be cool if it was a real artifiact.
  15. You are probably right. I never thought of the 30's. Women were still wearing hatpins when I was little. The fancy hats of that era seem to be drifting back into fashion. I've seen some lovely hatpins...
  16. Thank you. I have worn it a few times. It's cute on my dark red sweater.
  17. I've seen the fox stoles! I was afraid of them when I was a kid. They are a little gruesome but the fur itself was beautiful. I carry my purse and some people actually move away from it when I stand i...
  18. This is a large purse or bag. About fourteen inches square. Not a bead is missing. I love shopping the flea markets carrying it.Please let me know if you know anything about it.
  19. I have had this purse many years. I got it at a sale in Miami, FL. The alligator looks ready to bite. It is so strange that it has a head and legs still. The strap is worn but still usable. If you kno...
  20. Thank you Sherry. I will certainly check it out. I decided to carry it more often. It is fun to carry.
  21. Wonderful. I'd like to hear about it too.
  22. Great Find!
  23. That would be lovely in someone's long haiar.
  24. So cute!
  25. Lovely piece. I'd wear it with my jeans jacket and anything else.
  26. It is a little creepy. it looks like a cat about to get in trouble.
  27. Is it silver? It's lovely.
  28. That pin is lovely. I always get excited to find pieces like that at yard sales. The color of your pin is very attractive. Wear it with pride.
  29. I have two of the hens one in clear glass and one in a purplish blue. It practically glows.
  30. The necklace is beautiful. What are the stones?
  31. That is so inventive
  32. Thank you Toyman. I would love to see the whole set. Mine were produced in the late 50's or early 60's. I remember my mother getting them each time she got gas. You got the pitcher to complete the set...
  33. Thank you. It is fun to wear. It attracts lots of attention.
  34. I have a lighter that may be even smaller. I will find it and post it this week some time.
  35. I have one like that. I use it as a bank. It was given to me in 1976 but some firefighters who were removing them from some abandoned buildings. One told me they were not used any more because they ha...
  36. I could see them as part of an ornate gate. Maybe you could mount them as garden ornaments but not weld or cut them up. I would lean them against my shed and let the morning glories grow up them.
  37. My mother had the same stool when we lived on a farm in Springfield, OH. It was nice and sturdy. It was made to last. I used to sit on it a lot. Ours was painted exactly like yours. Seeing it brought...
  38. Do you have a side view of your bus? It looks intriguing.
  39. I read that the larger and the Peewee ones are most valuable.
  40. This site mentions several references on the net, companies and books about marbles.
  41. Some furniture just like this was featured on an episode of "American Pickers" , not long ago.
  42. One like that was featured on the TV show American Restoration. I think he said it was an extinquisher used for big fires. The one they rescued had a bottle inside that was pressurized. Don't take it ...
  43. Thank you. It did help.
  44. That extinguisher is lovely. I have never polished mine. I kind of like the look it has. I might polish it just to see how it looks. What is the least damaging thing to polish it with?
  45. We were both in the Army stationed at Schofield Barracks. I thought Hurricane Iwa was going to wipe us all off the map. Myself and two others were working our way to the safety of the MP station when ...
  46. AR8Jason, I apologize for taking so long to reply. I meant to reply to you a long time ago but I accidentally put your message in the wrong folder and lost it. I still have all the pens. I applied to ...
  47. That is a lovely piece of jewelry. I love rhinestone jewelry. I am not sure how to differentiate them from glass though. How do you tell the difference.?
  48. I found several more pens and pencils. I am thinking of selling some of the nibs for the gold.
  49. See more


posted 7 years ago
