Posted 15 years ago
(18 items)
I have several different glasses. They were giveaways with gasoline purchases. I don't remember which gas station gave them away. We have had them since the sixties. The glasses depict several different famous Indians to include Chief Blue Jacket. I doubt if they have any value other than the sentimental. I'd like to hear from anyone who also has a collection.
Now you mention it I do remember Bonded Gas Stations. I will check out eBay. I and my husband were in Hawaii 81-84 also. I remember the volcano erupting and Hurricane Iwa in 1983.
I checked on the auction of the Indian glasses. I have the pitcher and six of the glasses. The seller got over a hundred dollars for his. I won't sell mine. I think they are very interesting. I think I will put them out where people can see them. Thank you for the assistance.
We were both in the Army stationed at Schofield Barracks. I thought Hurricane Iwa was going to wipe us all off the map. Myself and two others were working our way to the safety of the MP station when the roof of a building nearly landed on us from across the parking lot. I miss Hawaii even though it always bothered me that it was so small.
I have the set of 8 in original box.Great piece for bar.
Ihave a pitcher with 7 glasses. I had them in the attic and one glass got broken. I am trying to find the value. Someone told me this glass wre was made in 1935 .
Thank you Toyman. I would love to see the whole set. Mine were produced in the late 50's or early 60's. I remember my mother getting them each time she got gas. You got the pitcher to complete the set. Do you use anything in particular to clean them? I worry about the coating on the outside. Toyman has the whole set.
Just some backround on Bonded that I found.....look interested.............
.Bonded: An affiliate of Gaseteria-Bonded, Bonded of Ohio remained
independent after Gaseteria-Bonded sold out to Esso’s Oklahoma division in
1957. Marathon purchased Bonded in 1975 and then merged it into Emro
Marketing Company in Nov. 1976.
You can laugh