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Small beaded toy?

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    Posted 14 years ago

    (18 items)

    I found this buried in my yard in South Miami, FL ten years ago. I think it may be a toy or something. The beading is beautiful. The head is made of wood and it looks like it was chopped out of something. The blade is metal. There is some material thinner but like thread wrapped under the head above the beading. I don't know if it is some Boy Scout's project or a toy made for a Native American child. Anyone have any idea?

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    1. daisymay daisymay, 14 years ago
      Why don't you take it to your local museum, it could be authentic?
    2. ThriftStoreAddict ThriftStoreAddict, 13 years ago
      Very interesting. Have you found anything out about it?
    3. jenneff morris, 13 years ago
      No I have not investigated it any further. I have been too busy. I will find time for it sometime. I will let you know what I find out.
    4. Tlynnie1942 Tlynnie1942, 13 years ago
      I don't know, those beads look like authentic old seed beads. Especially the pinkish ones. I think it really may be authentic. You should take the time to get it looked at by a museum or professional appraiser. I know I would, in a heartbeat.
    5. Jenny2669 Jenny2669, 13 years ago
      Thank you for your comments. I think I will take it to someone. it would be cool if it was a real artifiact.
    6. Tlynnie1942 Tlynnie1942, 13 years ago
      Let us know what happens, Jenny. Even with it being small it still could be authentic and could have been made for use by a woman..
    7. Jenny2669 Jenny2669, 13 years ago
      I would like to think it's authentic. I also worry that it could be something I should have left buried in the yard where I found.
    8. sayer34, 13 years ago
      Jenny2669: Thank you posting a photo of your buried treasure-my opinion you done the right think by uncovering this great artifact-

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