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Mighty Metal Matchbox Monday MB-24B Weatherill Hydraulic Excavator 1959-1961

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    Posted 6 years ago

    (3478 items)

    One may note the gray wheels on this. Gray wheels are good as I have mentioned on previous Matchbox Mondays as they indicate an earlier Matchbox model.
    The Weatherill Hydraulic Excavator was made from 1959 through 1966. With the gray wheels it would be 1959-1961 which makes it a bit more valuable than the later models. Matchbox sales were going up every year so many more were made in 1966 than in 1961.
    With this model not only are motor noises needed but shovel going up and down noises are needed too. Plus finger control to raise and lower the shovel. Later there were other models that had plastic thingies that would hold the shovel (or bucket) at the desired level
    It does have a certain charm and is an odd looking beast. Not quite the front end loader of today.

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    1. Watchsearcher Watchsearcher, 6 years ago
      Just curious- -were those motor noises and shovel going up and down noises made by the machine or by the human?
    2. fortapache fortapache, 6 years ago
      Thank you very much Watchsearcher. The human was required to supply the various noises.
    3. fortapache fortapache, 6 years ago
      Thank you
    4. buckethead, 6 years ago
      A very nice excavator and fun write up. Question for you...I found one of mu old matchbox cars. It's a number 41 Jaguar. The box shows it as a green car with grey wheels. The actual model is green with red wheels. I've seen other Jags with the grey wheels posted on the internet. What's up with that ? Thank You for considering my question.
    5. fortapache fortapache, 6 years ago
      Thank you very much Buckethead. The jaguar would have gray wheels in 1960 and 1961. After that is should have regular wheels ie black. Red wheels I am not so sure about.
    6. fhrjr2 fhrjr2, 6 years ago
      I so much love these posts. I had over 300 of these from days gone by. A few years ago the wife and I gave them all for children to have at Christmas. A collection gone but happy faces at Christmas. The wife is gone now and most of the collections. I can't take it with me so everything will end up being given away. I can come here and appreciate what others have.
    7. fortapache fortapache, 6 years ago
      Thank you very much fhrjr2. Glad your cars went to good homes. Getting rid of the collection could be a bit liberating.
    8. buckethead, 6 years ago
      Just for your infomation.....I looked up my Jag with the red hubs on I guess that they are quite rare and were made in 1964.
    9. fortapache fortapache, 6 years ago
      Ah I see. Just looked it up. The original had a one piece wheel with the hub. Looks like they had a wire hub too.
    10. fortapache fortapache, 6 years ago
      Thank you
    11. fortapache fortapache, 6 years ago
      Thank you Caperkid.
    12. fortapache fortapache, 6 years ago
      Thank you
    13. fortapache fortapache, 6 years ago
      Thank you AnnaB.

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