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    Posted 6 years ago

    (1 item)

    I found this in my basement in the rafters... It's heavy as hell, seems to be either solid copper or brass with a added silver tip.
    Twisted metal shaft(?) and a wooden handle that is red-ish in color.
    To add to the weirdness, it has carvings all over it... Can someone please tell me what it might be?? Thanks!

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    1. Watchsearcher Watchsearcher, 6 years ago
      It is a soldering iron
    2. PhilDMorris PhilDMorris, 6 years ago
      Wonderful !~
    3. yougottahavestuff yougottahavestuff, 6 years ago
      Great soldering iron!!! I have several.
      Mr. Gowen my sheet metal shop teacher back in the 50's used to Juggle 2 of them
      when they were HOT!! One day he caught the wrong end!!! His hand went into the water bucket pretty quick!!!
    4. kwqd kwqd, 6 years ago
      The end is copper. There have been quite a few of these posted on CW lately. I have one of these and it lay about the house for years before I realized how cool it was so I cleaned it up use it for a paperweight now.

    5. blunderbuss2 blunderbuss2, 6 years ago
      The silver tip is solder. What carvings ?

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