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pretty cool...just found these in a barn!

In Classic Cars > Chevrolet Bel Air > Show & Tell and Motorcycles > Harley-Davidson Motorcycles > Show & Tell.
Lady_Picker's loves1075 of 17301880's - 1890's Round Top Saratoga Trunk 1840's -50's 24" Leather Stagecoach Trunk with Slats
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    Posted 6 years ago

    (1 item)

    1948 Harley and a 54 or 55 Bel Air. Let me know what you guys think. Everything to my knowledge is original. I do not know much about these things.

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    1. Watchsearcher Watchsearcher, 6 years ago
      I love that car! But why was the bumper made like that? What that "extension" made to carry luggage?
    2. Recordmantime, 6 years ago
      it a Continental Kit,Watchsearcher
    3. flashlarue flashlarue, 6 years ago
      I believe the spare tire went between the bumper and the trunk. The spare would have had its own case which would have matched the cars paint job.
    4. Recordmantime, 6 years ago
    5. blunderbuss2 blunderbuss2, 6 years ago
      All they need is a wax job. LOL !
    6. AnnaB AnnaB, 6 years ago
      Wow, very cool finds! Diamonds in the rough.
    7. tim-tim tim-tim, 6 years ago
      Just love the Harley, I wish I owned that one. I wish I had found that treasure in a barn.
      It need to be kept just as found or if it is to be used, the absolute minimum mechanical work to make usable I would not even clean it.

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