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Vintage Cigarette Lighters

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    Posted 6 years ago

    (1 item)

    -Two Dunhill cigarette lighters and holder combinations in presentation cases
    -Cigarette lighter music box marked “Jell-O gelatin dessert” on one side and “The Reader’s Digest” on the other. Plays Jell-O advertising jingle.
    -Cigarette lighter music box promoting World Color Press of St. Louis, Missouri. Plays, “Meet me in St. Louis.”
    -Three Zippo lighters. One is in Italian silver (.800) case; one is unused in its original box.
    -Two trench-art machine-shop type cigarette lighters. One in white metal with 1945 U.S. quarter attached; one with 1943 British half-crown coins on front and back.
    -Beattie “jet” cigarette lighter with cleaning probe for jet.
    -Three Dunhill and Dunhill style cigarette lighters. One marked “Dunhill Sterling Case,” one also silver marked “Dunhill London Made in Switzerland,” on in steel marked “Made in Switzerland.”

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    1. Vynil33rpm Vynil33rpm, 6 years ago
      Way KooL Lighters
      What are the things in Cases ?

      Are they Cigg Holders ?
    2. Newfld Newfld, 6 years ago
      Nice collection

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