Posted 15 years ago
(18 items)
I found these and several more pens and retractable pencils in an old shed. I have been thinking of selling them for the gold nibs. I have not found them in my research. I would like to know more about them. I would appreciate any information. One is Tiffany and Co, Parker and Sheaffer. Help me out, are they worth collecting?
I found several more pens and pencils. I am thinking of selling some of the nibs for the gold.
I can give you information on them if you would like.
Are you interested in selling them?
Yes I would like to know more. I would sell them if they are valuable. I have pictures of the others would you like to see them?
Yes please I would be interested!
You can email to me if you wish.
-Thank you!
How do I send the photos to you to look at? All the pens look like they are in usable shape. Of course they have not been used in tje ten years since I found them.
You could send them as an attachment, or you could just post the other pictures on to here. How many pens are there?
I am new using this site. How do I find an email address to send the photos to? In addition to the pens I posted I have a Mont Blanc pen or pencil. I don't know which it is. I have another Parker pen marked France. I have an Eversharp demountable pencil which was silver plated. I have a green Sheaffer fountain pen which looks like bakelite. I also have a Wahl Eversharp pencil marked gold filled. It is engraved with initials. I will try to post the additional pictures on this site.
My email is:
You can send the pictures to this email and i will do my best to give you information on them and possible prices to sell them for
AR8Jason, I apologize for taking so long to reply. I meant to reply to you a long time ago but I accidentally put your message in the wrong folder and lost it. I still have all the pens. I applied to go to the Antiques Road Show in Atlanta in August. I thought I might take them. I'd like to know what the Tiffany pen is worth. Did you mean it was sterling encased in gold? I intend to sell all of them sooner or later. You have many interesting things posted. I enjoyed looking at them.
Some pens go for thousands of dollars.Do your research first.Have someone you trust give you apprasal.You dont want to get 1oo dollars for a 1500 pen ? Just thought Id throw in my 2 cents have great day
I have a 1920's or earlier Parker fountain pen (lucky curve) gold and embossed in the original parker box, xlnt cond. also have a small wahl eversharp pencil gold, great cond, I was wondering if they have any value, thanks in advance
William S Hicks, New York #5 fountain pen/pencil combo. Appears to be gold w/o tarnish. Beautiful, embossed. Thank you for any information. Lin
Thank you for your response. I can send a pic if you'd like. It's also engraved w/ name "Mary Williams". (Handed down through the family although owner was not truly related). I'd be interested to know what it's worth. Thanks again.