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Old fountain pens

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Recent Activity70 of 731953 Parker 51 Flighter pen and pencil set never used Mrs. Snyder's Pen
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    Posted 15 years ago

    (18 items)

    I found these and several more pens and retractable pencils in an old shed. I have been thinking of selling them for the gold nibs. I have not found them in my research. I would like to know more about them. I would appreciate any information. One is Tiffany and Co, Parker and Sheaffer. Help me out, are they worth collecting?

    Fountain Pens
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    1. Jenny2669 Jenny2669, 15 years ago
      I found several more pens and pencils. I am thinking of selling some of the nibs for the gold.
    2. Jiffy pens, 15 years ago
      I can give you information on them if you would like.

      Are you interested in selling them?
    3. Jenny, 15 years ago
      Yes I would like to know more. I would sell them if they are valuable. I have pictures of the others would you like to see them?
    4. Jiffy pens, 15 years ago
      Yes please I would be interested!
      You can email to me if you wish.

      -Thank you!
    5. Jenny, 15 years ago
      How do I send the photos to you to look at? All the pens look like they are in usable shape. Of course they have not been used in tje ten years since I found them.
    6. Jiffy pens, 15 years ago
      You could send them as an attachment, or you could just post the other pictures on to here. How many pens are there?
    7. Jenny, 15 years ago
      I am new using this site. How do I find an email address to send the photos to? In addition to the pens I posted I have a Mont Blanc pen or pencil. I don't know which it is. I have another Parker pen marked France. I have an Eversharp demountable pencil which was silver plated. I have a green Sheaffer fountain pen which looks like bakelite. I also have a Wahl Eversharp pencil marked gold filled. It is engraved with initials. I will try to post the additional pictures on this site.
    8. jiffy pens, 15 years ago
      My email is:
      You can send the pictures to this email and i will do my best to give you information on them and possible prices to sell them for
    9. Jenny2669 Jenny2669, 14 years ago
      AR8Jason, I apologize for taking so long to reply. I meant to reply to you a long time ago but I accidentally put your message in the wrong folder and lost it. I still have all the pens. I applied to go to the Antiques Road Show in Atlanta in August. I thought I might take them. I'd like to know what the Tiffany pen is worth. Did you mean it was sterling encased in gold? I intend to sell all of them sooner or later. You have many interesting things posted. I enjoyed looking at them.
    10. Toyman Toyman, 14 years ago
      Some pens go for thousands of dollars.Do your research first.Have someone you trust give you apprasal.You dont want to get 1oo dollars for a 1500 pen ? Just thought Id throw in my 2 cents have great day
    11. mike, 13 years ago
      I have a 1920's or earlier Parker fountain pen (lucky curve) gold and embossed in the original parker box, xlnt cond. also have a small wahl eversharp pencil gold, great cond, I was wondering if they have any value, thanks in advance
    12. simpko, 12 years ago
      William S Hicks, New York #5 fountain pen/pencil combo. Appears to be gold w/o tarnish. Beautiful, embossed. Thank you for any information. Lin
    13. simpko, 12 years ago
      Thank you for your response. I can send a pic if you'd like. It's also engraved w/ name "Mary Williams". (Handed down through the family although owner was not truly related). I'd be interested to know what it's worth. Thanks again.

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