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1948 - 50 Coca Cola Framed Lithograph

In Coca-Cola > Show & Tell and Coca-Cola > Coke Signs > Show & Tell.
Designer's loves1251 of 32551960's MURRAY PEDAL CAR1960's Coca Cola Waxed Megaphone Cup
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    Posted 6 years ago

    (185 items)

    This was the main item I went to pick up on Sunday. The thermometers were bonus.
    There is a description on the back which was done shortly after framing. I am contemplating having it re-framed so the edges can be exposed. It's not mint condition but presents very well with bright colours, so maybe it's best to leave as it is.
    The night before I picked up something I've wanted ever since I saw one at the place I got my pillar sign...

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