Posted 6 years ago
(1208 items)
This vase is 5.25" high x 3.5" diameter base x 5" diameter top. I just bought this on ebay. I was cruising around checking out Westmoreland Glass pieces looking for things I had not seen before (learning experience) and found this. Wow! I had no idea that Westmoreland made glass like this. If it did not have the Westmoreland label, I would not have believed they made it. I wish that I could get at my Westmoreland Glass books to see if this is in one of them. Couldn't resist it. The seller had great images, so I decided to go ahead and post it, since I own it. There are closeups of the label, base and interior inset into the fourth image. Wondering if this piece has a pattern number or name. It looks like the bottom part was made in a mold and then it was stretched or swung, not sure which. $17, including shipping.
Westmoreland #550 'High Hob' introduced c1911 in crystal. I think WG this may be their lilac opalescent. These 'swung' vases can often be difficult to ID since the pattern is often severely altered in the process.
that label was introduced c1949 and used in subsequent years...
Thanks, TallCakes!
Westmoreland made a special order of lilac opalescent table sets for Levay Glass in 1983, which included a spooner. It may be that this novelty piece was made during that time, and manipulated or 'swung' from a spooner. I have a lilac opalescent Ring & Petal cake stand from the same period.
"Stretch" glass is a metallic spray iridescent process that should not be confused with swung glass.
Thanks TallCakes! Here is a Westmoreland lilac opalescent paneled grape pitcher and glasses on ebay. Dang!!61701!US!-1
WG made 500 sets of that Paneled Grape water set in 1983 for Levay Glass.
Thanks for loving my Westmoreland vase!
Went back to look at an old post with a piece similar to one I just added to my collection and posted on CW and have to thank Rulandma for taking time to love my Westmoreland piece and Tallcakes for his always valuable and appreciated information!
Thanks vcal!