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Westmoreland Pearlescent Milk Glass Lotus Line Spiral Candlesticks

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    Posted 6 years ago

    (1208 items)

    These are 6.5" high x 3.5" square. Both have very crisp WG marks. Made with a four piece mold. I have these in white, black and slag, but never seen them in pearlescent white before. They have been in a local upscale thrift shop for a few weeks at $4 each but I was too miserly to pay that for them. There was a 50% off sale this week, so I bought one on Monday and, after some cogitation, went back and got the other one two days later. Can't have too many spirally impractical candleholders, I guess. I've never tried to use any of these before, so just guessing they are impractical. I view them more as abstract sculptures. The pearlescent finish is especially nice and lends a new dimension to walking around them. I didn't see any on CW.

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    1. kwqd kwqd, 6 years ago
      Thanks for loving my Westmoreland candle holders!

    2. kwqd kwqd, 6 years ago
      Thanks Watchsearcher, AnythingObscure and hunterqlee!
    3. kwqd kwqd, 3 years ago
      Thanks vcal!

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