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1930's - 1940's Pre-War Folk Art Group

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AnnaB's loves402 of 4464WIRE BOARD FENCELarge Vintage Copper Arts & Craft Tankard Brass Initials No ID
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    Posted 6 years ago

    (516 items)

    Sometimes collecting interests are expanded when you see something that really speaks to you. Something that just flat out grabs you. These items are examples that all did so this year (2018). First photo is not to scale in case you are wondering.

    1/ It looks like it is from the Psychedelic Era to me but is much earlier. This hooked rug was discovered in a small New England town estate in Bradford NH. The outstanding creativity of a NH woman artist circa 1930's - 40's. Folk Art that first to me appeared to be psychedelic looking is actually a LION in knitted winter clothing! One very cool Hooked Rug... ta dum bah.

    2/ Canadian indigenous people folk art. A Chipewyan Puppet, from Fond du Lac, Saskatchewan, Canada circa 1942. I acquired this from the family of a collector's estate who had owned this since the 1960s.

    3. As funky and politically incorrect folk art as you will find. Discovered in Staten Island, this |"Have a Cigarette" cigarette box now houses appropriate NYC Memorabilia - matchbooks from 1970s New York Topless Clubs... as well as some local vintage pinbacks as well.

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    1. Newfld Newfld, 6 years ago
      All very cool, love that jazzy lion rug

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