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Welz glass - The decorated grid

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Bohemian Art Glass1686 of 6907Welz glass - The Tango gridThe Ins And Outs Of Black VS White Opinions With Exceptions....
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    Posted 6 years ago

    (236 items)

    This is actually where I started the grid concept; This is also the largest grouping of all (and we aren't done yet). Remember, "The Grid" represents shapes (or groups of shapes) that had many different decors. Within this grid you see the most variations in rims and decor. So... even though the shapes look identical, these vases have upper-halves that are unusually organic and hand-formed.

    To use: Look ACROSS for shape variation; DOWN for decor variations.

    Decorated Grid Parameters :
    1 foot type
    4 body types
    3 rim types
    Applied thread (with two exceptions*)
    Light weight
    Just under 8" in height
    Many decors

    1 - This shows the first shape with a broad base and flared neck, you can see the bicorn rim makes the shape look very different.

    2 - This shows a footed base with a flared neck, bicorn and floral rim

    3 - The shouldered classic vase has no variations to the rim

    4. The footed "hip" shape is actually the most plentiful and comes in the most decors to date- notice the three rim variations


    There are many to discuss...
    1. In pic 1* and 3 there are two black bicolor pieces without a threaded rim (ground top, no use of the snap tool)
    2. In pic 3 there is a size variation (not pictured) of the same shape that is 9" tall
    3. In shape 2 and 4 there are rim variations that resemble flowers
    4 In shape 2 there is the only pull-up decor
    5. most (except the blue line decor) come in 1-2 shapes... this means to me it is very unlikely that a grid could be complete: (.... there is no proof that all the shapes were made with every decor

    any piece you think belongs in this grid please email me

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    1. truthordare truthordare, 6 years ago
      Jericho, I think what you are doing here is very effective and important. It does result in a large and getting more so range of glass decors on the same shape.

      No question they are from the same producer.
    2. jericho jericho, 6 years ago
      Thanx- you see something missing just email (on my bio) and I’ll add it!
    3. welzebub welzebub, 6 years ago
      There are approx 525 Welz shapes I have solidly identified.

      About 30% of the 525 are found in 3 or more decors.
      About 10% of the 525 are found with 5 or more decors on them.
      About 5% of the 525 are found with 10 or more decors on them.
    4. Wow22, 6 years ago
      Picture 1, top left is an awesome Welz decor I have never seen before.
    5. cornhusker cornhusker, 6 years ago
      I love this informative work...… it allows people to identify by shape and décor. Seeing decors that I have not seen before and assume there are more tucked away. Would love to see people post decors that are not represented yet!!!!

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