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Lg. Texaco One sided Porcelain Sign leaning against my Iron Cow!!

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    Posted 6 years ago

    (392 items)

    Great Texaco Sign I sold for my friend last summer.
    He and his brother retired after 50 years in the pump and air tower repair and restore Biz.
    Leaned it against the Iron Cow I made years ago!!

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    1. buckethead, 6 years ago
      Having been raised on a dairy farm and working as a petroleum chemist....a perfect display..... nice metal cow :)
    2. Coke1234 Coke1234, 6 years ago
      It’s got the black outline T. Nice.
    3. Watchsearcher Watchsearcher, 6 years ago
      I love the cow, especially with the cow bell around it's neck! Nice touch!

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