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1949 Studebaker

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AntigueToys's loves1449 of 34161950's Walt Reach Toy Truck by CourtlandBulldog Mack Truck
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    Posted 6 years ago

    (945 items)

    I couldn't resist buying this old Stude when I saw it at a swap meet a couple of years ago. My big sister used to have one when we were kids and we hated that car until she totaled it one day in front of the Culver City police station. No one hurt! We used to call these cars "push me pull me's" due to the "Flash Gordon" design. Interesting how in my old age I quite like the design now. It makes a very cute display in front of the Texaco Station at Lakeside Storage and gets a lot of comments by people who have never seen one


    1. Trey Trey, 6 years ago
      I just got a Studebaker Service sign !!!

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