Posted 6 years ago
(956 items)
These are a few of the 50 plus signs we have waiting to be put in rings/poles and stood up in the new Lakeside Storage annex. They will all be easily visible from the street in front for all to enjoy free of charge. People think I'm nuts for spending my 401k on porcelain signs and antique cars and planes, but I don't see their value going crazy like the Stock Market and I like to look at my lifetime of "saving for old age and rainy days". Nothing prettier than the sight of a bunch of cool porcelain signs. Especially when they're posted on poles!
Wow Rattletrap, you sure have been busy collecting those, are there any left out there LOL I've done the same spending IRA on signs and pumps but I'll only buy if I know I'm under a retail price. Just not sure where prices will go in the next 10 years.
Hey, if that's what turns you on !! Maybe you have a brain-forest. With the number of collectors of petroleum things, maybe it's a brain-trust. "Inflation", "cost of living increases" are term invented by politicians, saying, we are misusing our power and therefore the purchasing value of you $ is dropping drastically.
There are still lots of signs out there, but as u say, most are no longer affordable by us Bottom Feeders. I never buy retail, but not looking for the pristine signs either and stick with just the big signs. Yup. We have space! No problem! Saw a 16' round Derby sign that was actually too big for us! Amazing sign!
Brainforest? Really? I'm so slow I can't even tell when I'm being insulted. This much I know: there are more collectors than their used to be and that drives prices up since the supply is limited. It's called Capitalism. If u try renting a space at Lakeside Storage and it's our last one, we raise the price! Hello! I whine about high prices and have to excercize patience and constraint when hunting signs. Not easy!
Wow! I would love to come see your place!! Beautiful!
U are welcome anytime. We get more live visitors per day every day than we get likes in 6 months on CW? Go figure?