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Military Insignia and Pins118 of 481Unidentified military pinunknown pin
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    Posted 6 years ago

    (1 item)

    Hi! I found these going through some of my dad's thing's. he passed away 3 years ago and I have no idea how old these items are and what they are. the only thing I know is it was very cool finding them. I'm wanting to make a shadow box but want to know what's what so I do it right. Thank you in advance for your time and help!

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    1. stjoevet stjoevet, 6 years ago
      OK the one with the motto "Prepare for Combat" is the 82nd Airborne Artillery pin / WWII . The pin with the white shield and 3 lamps on it is the "Command and General Staff College" and the blue one with the crescent moons is the 71st Infantry Division New York National Guard. There is a Major rank pin. the DTA tie pin I haven't a clue.. I hope that helps. You can Google any of the units I listed for a little history on each...
    2. stjoevet stjoevet, 6 years ago
      I stand corrected.. The "Prepare for Combat" crest is the Army Air Forces Eastern Flying Training Command (a la 'Tuskegee Airmen' and Tuskegee Army Air Field) at Maxwell Alabama.
    3. rwportger, 5 years ago
      The pin in the form of a ribbon with "Be Prepared" with a knot hanging from it is a rank badge for second class scout in the Boy Scouts of America.

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