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Mobil shield Pegasus

In Petroliana > Mobil Oil > Show & Tell and Signs > Porcelain Signs > Show & Tell.
Mobil Oil27 of 1991930’s Gargoyle Mobiloil AF Filpruf bottle rack.Porcelain Mobil sign dated 1947 ?  Repro is what it is .
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    Posted 6 years ago

    (950 items)

    We just stood this cool old Mobil Pegasus Shield shaped sign up today in the Lakeside Storage Museum and parking annex. It's a Little rough but a pretty cool sign for a parking lot. I got this on our long trip this Summer after finding it and buying it off of Facebook while I was in Hawaii during the winter. I love seeing new signs in the air!

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    1. Rattletrap Rattletrap, 6 years ago
      Thx for the love it
    2. Rattletrap Rattletrap, 6 years ago
      Thx for the Love it

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