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Pallme-Koenig ''Veined and Threaded'' c. 1900-05

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Alan2310's loves227 of 2828Loetz Vase by Michael Powolny for Lobmeyr, PN III-1034, ca. 1918L'Estampe Moderne prints, 1897-1899
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    Posted 6 years ago

    (53 items)

    An iridised P-K ''Veined and Threaded'' vase about 40 cm (16'') tall from c. 1900-05. It comprises pink opal glass encased in white opal and finally colourless glass decorated on top with pinkish-red veins and olive-green threads at the bottom. It is highly UV reactive as can be seen in the fourth photo. The pontil has been roughly ground, but not polished, within a slightly recessed base.

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    1. MALKEY MALKEY, 6 years ago
      now thats stunning !!!!!!!! thanks for sharing bambus
      all the very best malkey
    2. cornhusker cornhusker, 6 years ago
      Awesome piece!!!!
    3. Bambus1920 Bambus1920, 6 years ago
      Thank you Malkey and Cornhusker.
    4. philmac51 philmac51, 6 years ago
      Stunning piece and what a SIZE!!
    5. Alan2310 Alan2310, 6 years ago
      I love the 2 decor(Bottom/Top) on this PK, wow 16" tall, a Monumental piece of glass, great addition.
    6. Bambus1920 Bambus1920, 6 years ago
      Thanks Alan and Philmac; its so big I had to put it next to the fireplace ! A recent acquisition that took more than a hour to clean with heavy-duty detergent on the inside. But it scrubs-up well as they say, and is actually in pristine condition.
    7. Bambus1920 Bambus1920, 6 years ago
      I should add that this vase has a small fake 'Loetz' signature on the base.

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