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a 20th anniversary celebration today... :-)

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    Posted 6 years ago

    (1778 items)

    SHAMELESS SELF-PROMOTION ALERT, as well as the disclaimer that the item I'm showing off here is not my own personal property -- once more, this is only what I actually do for my paychecks. [err, well, in this case kinda what I did 20yrs ago, but whatever...?? ;-) ] Also for the record -- I offer this withOUT any intended premise to promote ANY variety of "faith/religion" (or indeed lack thereof) in any way whatsoever -- I honestly don't give much of a crap about most of that anymore and haven't for a long time -- I do it JUST FOR THE GLORIOUS MUSIC... :-)

    So today happens to have been the ~20th anniversary of when the company I work for installed this particular instrument, at Pulaski Heights United Methodist Church in Little Rock, AR. They had a hymn festival this morning to celebrate, with guest organist Bradley Hunter Welch from Dallas, TX at the console.

    And if I can indulge a few more minutes of anybody's (who's read this far at least?) time to visit this YouTube link:

    and FFWD to approx. 26:30 (ifn's you don't have the time/inclination to watch the whole thing that is, a little over an hour total) I'd love to invite y'all to hear the organ leading the choirs/congregation in an ooey-gooey-delicious rendition of the familiar hymn AMAZING GRACE.

    My apologies for the pics here BTW, I swiped the 1st two of the instrument itself [1st is one side of mirror-image facades up front with the console, 2nd is the 'antiphonal organ' cases on the wall in back] from the Co. facebook page because I don't have any of my own handy -- the last two are my own of the service bulletin itself, in case anybody might be curious about the rest of all that.

    If nothing else, I'm now finding myself slightly bewildered that it really *was* 20yrs ago when we did this job...<eeek> not to mention that it's largely been my job to keep the beast working/tuned ever since... <wow>

    HAPPY SUNDAY (and I guess, happy pre-Thanksgiving to USA CW friends?) y'all!! :-) :-) :-)

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    1. PhilDMorris PhilDMorris, 6 years ago
      One of the best songs I love so much !~
    2. Newfld Newfld, 6 years ago
      Beautiful church, lovely organ, woodwork & stained glass windows, and I too love the hymn Praise to the Lord the Almighty - nice post

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