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Silver Filigree Bracelet - Israel? - Multi-Gemstones

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    Posted 6 years ago

    (807 items)

    I purchased this bracelet a few weeks ago because the price was right. No doubt it is a beauty, but I am looking for some info if anyone can help. My best guess is that it is Israeli, maybe early 1900's? Maybe later? I can see blue and green turquoise, but do not know the name of the center stone which is translucent when held to bright light. The smaller ruby colored stones...could they be amber or garnets? Overall a beauty held together with a thin pin. I love the depth of the silver work. Thanks for looking/helping!

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    1. truthordare truthordare, 6 years ago
      This looks a lot like the Eastern European, Middle East influenced early 20th century silver work bracelets. The stone are carnelian and turquoise, which was a popular combination for these, as well as all the fine silver details, and the hinged cuff style. You might find a small impressed mark on it.

      I owned several of these and your's is a great example of this kind. Here is an older cruder one .
    2. BHock45 BHock45, 6 years ago
      truthordare, thank you for the help IDing the bracelet! Thank you for the compliments. I am going to do some research.
    3. BHock45 BHock45, 6 years ago
      Thank you vetraio, fort, hel, truth, kyra, vynil, lis, raven, aura, and watch for the loves.
    4. BHock45 BHock45, 6 years ago
      worthit2, thanks for the love!
    5. IVAN49 IVAN49, 6 years ago
      Very well made filigree (thick wire, solid silver flower petals) and stones well set.
      This quality is rarely seen today.With no marks we`ll never know where it was made.Guessing is not a method of judgement.
    6. shareurpassion shareurpassion, 6 years ago
      Nice piece for sure. TOD has is correct I believe. The only thing I see a little different might be what's called a trumpet clasp. I could be wrong. And the dark green may be jadeite, the other darker stones may be amethyst or garnet. Not positive.
    7. BHock45 BHock45, 6 years ago
      ivan49, shareurpassion, thank you both for your comments.
    8. BHock45 BHock45, 6 years ago
      anna b, thank you for the love
    9. Elisabethan Elisabethan, 6 years ago
      Beautiful indeed! Some of the more intricate parts of the filigree looks antique chinese to me. But it could very well be eastern european.
    10. apostata apostata, 4 years ago
      agree with TOD about the design , but i am not skilled enough in this

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