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Stamps, Stamps, Stamps! World-wide Postage Stamps c.1920's-1960's

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AnnaB's items1 of 85A Storybook Doll QuestionAntique Mohair Bears Excelsior Filled c.early 1900s
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    Posted 6 years ago

    (85 items)

    Hello CW friends!
    I got this box of vintage stamps at an estate sale. It was tucked under a kitchen table and seemed overlooked by the seller. I actually didn't have time to look through the contents of the box, just noticed a couple of moldy albums and boxes with what seemed like letters which peaked my interest. When I started to sort through it at home, it turned out to be a huge collection of stamps. No old letters, just postcards, empty envelopes, or torn off corners with stamps attached to them... Multitude of dealer pouches with stamps, envelopes stuffed with more loose stamps, canceled and uncanceled, etc. The albums are partially filled. There are loose stamps inside them too. The stamps come from virtually every county in the world, spanning decades. There are old ones, from pre-WWII and WWII Germany (inflation stamps? 5 milliarden- to think of that number!! and of course, Hitler), 40's-50's stamps from USSR, and more recent misc ones, up to early 60's. I spent nearly 2 hours just trying to quickly peak into every envelope before my head started to spin. I know exactly nothing about stamps, so I went on various websites and watched some YouTube videos, all of which gave me an idea that it will take me a lifetime to go through these stamps thoroughly and to learn about them. While an absolutely fascinating subject from many perspectives, I don't have a lifetime to dedicate to stamps. I would like to ask an advice/guidance from fellow CW stamp-collectors on what would be the best way to approach this collection. Take it to work and research each stamp on the internet during my lunch hour? Show it to an expert? Please share your thoughts, I'll really appreciate it.

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    1. Newfld Newfld, 6 years ago
      Great vintage stamp set, a happy Thanksgiving to you too Anna
    2. Toyrebel Toyrebel, 6 years ago
      That's quite a collection. Happy Thanksgiving to you, Brunswick(my Bama buddy), my friend Newfld and all others on CW. Enjoy and he safe in your travels.
    3. PhilDMorris PhilDMorris, 6 years ago
      I liked the Hitler stamps and the Eva Peron stamps from Argentina, and I have a few. I loved these and wanted to start a collection but lately no luck. Great collection, you lucky girl !~
    4. AnnaB AnnaB, 6 years ago
      Thank you all so much for stopping by and your loves!
      Jenni, Thomas, Toyrebel- thank you friends for your kind comments, always appreciated!
      Phil, thank you! It's never too late! As I'm starting to research them, i can totally see myself getting sucked into collecting them, it's fascinating!
    5. AnnaB AnnaB, 6 years ago
      Thank you so very much-
    6. AnnaB AnnaB, 6 years ago
      Vynil, Re-In-Vintage- thank you for your loves!
    7. AnnaB AnnaB, 6 years ago
      Buckethead-thank you! Enjoy the holiday season as well! =)

      I've been researching these stamps little by little, and so far, nothing came up as valuable, rare or special, although they all seem special just because they are old and represent a piece of history. It's a tedious process for sure, mostly because the information seems scattered all over the place and across many websites. If i find something extraordinary, i'll be sure to post it.
    8. buckethead, 6 years ago
      I love your statement that they all seem special just because they are old and represent a piece of history. To me....collectibles are fun and educational. I could care less how valuable they are :) Icing on the cake if they are.....
      Love your stamp collection....have fun with the research :)
    9. AnnaB AnnaB, 6 years ago
      I agree, educational it is for sure! Although it would be nice if it was at least worth as much as I paid for it LOL

      Mrstyndall, WendyWeather- thanks for stopping by and your loves!

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